hello, again

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"ahg!" you groaned as you picked up your phone and looked through youre contacts "eren,no,mikasa,no,levi,hells na!,armin,yes!" you said

"hi (y/n) whats up?" "hey armin my water heater came down on my apartment so can i stay with you?" i asked nervus hed say no "yeah sure" he said

when you got to armins you looked at his big house (lol i mean house he lives in but well get to that later XD) "wow your house is big armin" you said in awe "yeah its my granpaws (lets pretend his grandpop is alive) house hes out for bissnuess i asked if you can stay here he said yes so now you know" he smiled as he said that. "hey (y/n) wanna go get some dinner and shopping done in town?" armin asked blushing a faint blush "sure" you answered

~in le resteraunt~

"mmmm this omlette is amazing" you said eating your omlette sinse armin got the same thing he nodded in agreement as he got out some cash to pay the bill "armin i can pay it" you insisted but he shook his head no and said "your my guest" so you said fine

~in the shop~

"oohh armin lets get some nutter butters please? please?" you begged like a child getting a new toy finally armin gave in. when you got home you wanted to shower bad you went to the guest bathroom but the water wasnt coming from the foucet "damn my luck" you muttered as you nocked on armins door, you heard a come in so you did and told him what happened he smiled nervusly "i uh forgot to tell you that only my bathroom shower works so you can use it" "okay" you answered and stared the shower

~in le shower~

"OH FUCKING SHIT!" you yelled you could hear him jump and rush in "you ok (y/n)" he asked sweetly "no i forgot my towel in the guest bathroom!" you said you heard him leave and bring it back

love you! armin x reader x levi limeWhere stories live. Discover now