Chapter 21 ~ We're gonna need a really big brain

Start from the beginning

"These are confusing times," Bruce tells him.

"Right, no, no. That's not what I meant." Scott says.

"Nah, I get it. I'm kidding!" Bruce exclaims. "I know, it's crazy. I'm wearing shirts now." He says, getting off-topic.

"Yeah. What? How? Why?" Scott questions.

"Five years ago, we got our asses beat. Except it was worse for me 'cause I lost twice. First, Hulk lost, then Banner lost, and then, we all lost." Bruce says.

"No one blamed you, Bruce," Nat tells him.

"I did. For years, I've been treating the Hulk like he's some kind of disease, something to get rid of. But then, I start looking at him as the cure. Eighteen months in the gamma lab. I put the brains and the brawn together and now, look at me. Best of both worlds." Bruce explains to Scott.

Just then three kids come over to our table. "Excuse me, Mr.Hulk?" The little girl asks.

"Yes," Bruce responds.

"Can we get a photo?" She asks.

"100%, little person," Bruce answers her. She gives him the phone. "Come on, step on up. Do you mind?" He asks, looking at me.

I smile. "Sure," I say as Scott takes the phone and hands it to me.

"Thanks," Bruce says.

The kids gather around Bruce as I stand up on my seat a bit to get a better angle.

"Say 'green'," Bruce tells them and they do as I snap the photo. I look at it to make sure it's good. "Did you get that?" He asks me.

I look at the photo. "Perfect," I say as I sit back down in my seat and hand the phone to Scott so he can give it back to the kids.

"Do you want to grab one with me? I'm Ant-Man." Scott says to the kids, still holding the phone in his hand. The kids look at each other, unsure. "They're Hulk fans. They don't know Ant-Man. Nobody does."

"No, he wants you to take a picture with him," Bruce tells the kids.

"I don't want a picture. Stranger danger." I hear the little boy mutter as he shakes his head.

"Yeah, look, he's even saying no, he doesn't. I get it. I don't want it, either." Scott says.

"But come on. The kid..." Bruce says.

"I don't want a picture with them."

"He's gonna feel bad," Bruce says to the kids.

"Sorry," Scott says to them as he tries to hand back the phone.

"They're happy to do it. They said they'll do it." Bruce says.

"I don't want to do it," Scott argues.

"We can do it." The older boy says.

"No, you feel bad," Bruce says to Scott.

"Take the goddamn phone," Scott says and they take the phone back.

All while this was happening I was sipping my water which was a big mistake because I choked on it after what Scott had said. I start to cough as I try to contain my laughter.

"Thank you, Mr. Hulk." The girl says.

"No, it was great, kids. Thank you very much." Bruce says.

"Hulk out!" They all say and then the kids turn to leave.

"Bruce." Dad tries to get his attention.

"Dab," Bruce says and he dabs on them which pushes me to the edge as I burst out laughing.

"Bruce." Dad tries once again to gain his attention so we can get back to the situation at hand.

"Listen to your mom. She knows better." Bruce calls out after them.

"About what we were saying," Dad says, gaining Bruce's attention finally as I calm myself down and wipe the tears that escaped my eyes.

"Right. The whole time travel do-over? Guys, it's outside of my area of expertise." Bruce tells us.

"Well, you pulled this off," Nat tells him. "I remember a time when that seemed pretty impossible, too."

Bruce looks at all of us. "Alright." He nods and we smile at him.

Bruce and I finish eating, with the help of Max too. We all agreed to do it tomorrow morning so we said our goodbyes to Bruce before Dad dropped Nat and Scott off at the compound. Dad takes us back to the apartment where I sit on the couch, playing with Maximus as I throw a ball down the hallway for him to chase.

"(Y/n), you okay?" Dad asks as he sits down on the couch next to me.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I ask him as I turn my head to look at him.

"Because Max has been waiting for you to take the ball and throw it again and you've been staring at that wall for three minutes now." Dad answers. "I mean it's a pretty interesting wall." He smirks.

I roll my eyes, but give him a small smile. "I'm just hoping that this time travel thing works," I tell him and grab the ball from Max, who has been patiently waiting, and throw the ball down the hall as he chases after it.

Dad puts an arm around my shoulder as I lean against him. "I'm hoping it does too."


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