Emotion ❤ Ulquiorra

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(Yandere!Ulquiorra X Reader)

A human.

A human is what he saw, but from what he felt he knew it was far more than just...

A human.

This little human was eye capturing, and intriguing to the very last moment. The young Arrancar, Ulquiorra would daily come to visit the human world, just to look, even for a moment at her face. So many thrilling emotions were displayed on her (s/c) face. A smile here, a pout there, or a sad look eventually. All were so addictive to him. He loved seeing her every day that it soon grew out of being a habit to more being a need. He hardly showed any feeling, and every day in the morning he'd glance at his pale face and his sad green eyes. Every now and then he wished there was something more to his personality, his expressions. All remained slightly the same with him until the day he came to the human world and found out... the girl's parents had died.

The girl stood in the rain, clutching a red umbrella tightly. Her face was screwed up tight, as if not to let any emotions leak out. She stood so still, her chest hardly moved for breath. Slowly, but surely, the people gathered for the funeral dispersed. She stood there for a moment, before it was too much to hold in. An explosion of tears were set free, along with a bone chilling scream of sadness and hopelessness. She fell to her knees limp-like, the umbrella falling out her slack grip.

Ulquiorra's eyes were green as ever, yet amazingly blank. He did nothing except watch the girl he'd observed day after day cry her little heart out on the tombs of her parents. An old woman walked by, muttering softly to her husband. "Poor (Y/N) dearie, losing both of her parents in the same crash." Ulquiorra waited until they went by before walking slowly into the cemetery. Her shaking shoulders were visible and her hands pressed against the tall marble, rain running down her skin. Seeing in her such a hopeless and vulnerable state made something warm erupt in his chest. Ulquiorra paused for a moment, his pale hand pressing against his heart, a puzzled look for once crossing his usual emotionless face. He shook it off in a moment and proceeded on, until he was behind her. His footsteps had made her sobs soften, and in a moment, (Y/N) looked around to see what was behind her, eye red and wide.

A hand flew up to wipe her snotty nose and she stood, stealing a deep breath once more so she would't bust out crying again in front of a stranger.

"Did you... know my parents?"

"No. I never met them." was all he said.

"They... they weren't around much. But.. they were good parents never the less!" She blurted out the last bit, looking up at him with determination and hands clenched.

"...I'm sure they were."

He wasn't sure what he was doing. Noting like this had ever happened to him at all. These words seemed to just... come to him.

"It's alright." He said simply, standing there with a blank look on his face.

He felt something

Something warm

Tender... affection?


It had been a few weeks, and he had taken to watching her go about her daily business. He hoped she was eating enough, it never seemed nutritious the foods she had taken to buying these days. If he could cook for her, she would never resort to those disgusting unhealthy items. Why was he cursed with being an Arrancar, a hollow empty hole in his stomach. Empty... nothing... no emotion except for... sadness... lust... longing... for her.

The next few days, he accelerated to tailing behind her, hiding in her house, and watching her as she slept. He would not normally have even dreamt of watching a human like this but his urge to protect her was too strong. As far as he was concerned by now was her parents died so he could take care of her. He was meant to be there for her. She was his.

Zoning out, staring at her body as she slept was careless, as she sat straight up, suddenly coughing loudly. He grimaced, knowing it would be only seconds before she realized there was a peculiar man standing next to her bed. She coughed once more and her beautiful (Y/C) eyes darted up to meet his eyes. No.. this was not how it should've have gone. She shouldn't have seen me. I was too daring for this, too foolish. She shrieked and turned on her light, reaching for her phone. With a quick move, he slapped the phone out of her hands onto the floor. It clattered loudly and he, in a fit of panic, crushed it beneath his outstretched foot. "No! Don't kill me!!" She screamed, starting to cry and cowering into the sheets.

"No... (Y/N)... I would never harm you. You've been through too much pain." He said, leaning forwards and grasping her face to turn and look at him. Her face was squished between his hands and snot was running down her nose. How does this woman make me feel... even feel such burning lust and want...

His face twisted into the first smile he had even remembered having. "You make me feel, unlike anyone else.. and for that... I will make sure you're protected... with me forever."

"N-No! Sto-"

He cut off her words by pinning her down, his hands pressing her shoulders down, his mouth touching her with hunger and want. She could not understand how she felt so petrified his kisses becoming more rough. He broke away, wiping his saliva off her lips. "Now, let's cook."

Uηяєqυιтєɗ Loνє (Yandere!One Shots)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora