Dark Side ❤ Light Yagami

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(Yandere!Light Yagami X Reader)

Song fanfic!Dark Side by Kelly Clarkson- Helps if you listen to the song on repeat while reading ;)

Oh oh oh, there's a place that I know
It's not pretty there and few have ever gone
If I show it to you now
Will it make you run away?

"Light... where are we going?"
"Shh.... I'm going somewhere... special."
"Down a dark alley?"
"Shh..." He replied, his last sentence sounding slightly forced. His grip on her hand was soft, but she had a bad feeling as he pulled her along the dimly lit alleyway. He'd never brought her into danger before, more in fact saved her from many unpleasant situations and not to mention he was a good mannered student. Unlike her feeling for some of her friends, she had no doubt in her mind that he was a good person. So... why did she feel nervous? Her eyebrows creased, the thought hitting her hard. Normally, he made her feel safe and fuzzy, yet right now, she felt cold and frightened. Her unease was growing with every empty can, stray brick and graffiti appearing.

Or will you stay
Even if it hurts
Even if I try to push you out
Will you return?
And remind me who I really am
Please remind me who I really am

A yelp escaped from her throat as they reached a dead end and she was twisted around. Her back hit the rough bricks and she slid partially down, hair falling forwards. Her wide eyes met his and she pressed herself against the wall, her heart thumping loud. Light stood there, partially illuminated by the moon above, a grin displayed on his face. His familiar, usually comforting hand grabbed her chin, lifting it upwards harshly. His nails dug into her skin, making her gasp.
"You know... I meant to kill you here originally. I really don't need you anymore,now that your father lost his job. I've waited a few months... but now... I might be able to make myself do it."
"W-What?" She gasped, frozen in shock by her boyfriend's words. "N-No! Light snap out of it! You're not like this! You're a good person!" She managed to say in a high voice. 

Everybody's got a dark side
Do you love me?
Can you love mine?
Nobody's a picture perfect
But we're worth it
You know that we're worth it
Will you love me?
Even with my dark side?

He lifted his arm, glancing down at his watch. "Hmm... ten minutes until eight. Ten minutes until you die."
"S-Stop it! What's wrong with you?!" (Y/N) yelled loudly, her hands flying out to attempt to shove him away. His hands grabbed her wrists, pinning them to the wall quickly. "Please Light, you're scaring me!" 

Don't run away
Don't run away
Just tell me that you will stay
Promise me you will stay
Don't run away
Don't run away

"Stop it!" She shrieked, common sense fleeing her mind as the only thing that she could think of was to escape. Light chuckled darkly, knowing no screams would be heard. He leaned forwards, his hand letting go of her left wrist to clutch her waist. As he thought, her hand shoved against him more vigorously. "I know this wasn't what you were expecting, but just understand my actions. You know too much, and frankly, I no longer need you. You'll just make me loose my head, I have a mission. I will create a new world." He could feel her tense as his warm breath touched her neck. "You've been the only thing I could think of for months, as it pains me to think of killing you, you must go. Please understand me, you'll be safe and I'll be safe, forever this way." Light lifted his head to look at her terrified eyes. The poor girl was shocked and trembling as he pressed his lips to hers. While it felt all so familiar, there was a coldness and a darkness that was prominent now, and it made her all the more scared of him. The harder he kissed her, the more she fought against him. Light broke the kiss, a growl escaping from him. "Stop fighting me, is this what you expected? Did you want me to be naive and nice forever? Could you have loved this anyway? Promise you'll stay, promise me you won't leave me. I want your precious last moments."
(Y/N) wouldn't listen to him, her fear of being killed was just too great. She managed to punch her fist into his gut, making him pause. That moment was enough to let her break free, running down the alley as fast her feet would take her.

Just promise me you will stay

Promise me you will stay

Footsteps pounded on the pavement as she neared the end of the alley. Hot tears burned her face and her eyes stung. (Y/N) almost fell once she reached the curb, almost daring to look back. Her hands had turned clammy and she could feel sweat on her face and neck. (Y/N) felt dizziness coming in waves as she stood there. As her hand fumbled for her phone and she was ready to start running again, a pain unlike she had ever felt attacked her chest. She doubled over, gasping for air, her head feeling like it was going to burst. Her shoulders ached and the pavement hit her cheek when she fell over hard. (Y/N) laid there, gasping for breath, small drops of rain hitting her. A face loomed above her in the darkness, eyes glowing eerily. "I had hoped to hold you as you died. I see now however, you've chosen your fate. Don't expect a grave (Y/N), traitors don't deserve it."

Will you love me? Even with my dark side...  

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