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"What do you mean Baby?" Mark whispered pulling the boy from his embrace as he wiped Haechans tears.

"M-My parents died in a car crash and I lived with grandma, she died as I grew older and then I moved in with Jeno. He was so kind and gentle Mark.......I couldnt stop falling in love with him over and over again but after we got married he started changing? I didnt know why but he often distanced himself from me. We still put it all together, though his parents werent much in favor with me since he married me against their wish. He never hurt me though, no matter what happened he always came home. To me.........." Donghyuck dazed off into the sweet memories he had with Jeno. The handsome eyes smiling man having been his world.

"He worked really hard, both of us did, even though he took so many loans just to make things better he wasnt given a dime from his father. His mother accepted me after some time but his father remained rude and mean........I had nothing to offer neither did I have the strength to help Jeno as much he did." The brunette whispered smiling through pain and agony, his heart bleeding at the thought of never seeing Jeno ever again.

"One night, perhaps a month or so before you came he came home very late. Since he was always the clingy idiot I didnt notice why he was so extra clingy. He made love that night, again and again until I blacked out exhausted.........." He whispered gasping for breath as he chuckled painfully.

"The next morning I woke up to an empty bed, he was gone. It wasnt the first time so I left for work, amidst one of my meetings I kept getting calls. It was Mr Moon, Taeil hyung the man Jeno worked under..........H-He told me to hurry to the work site they were in and I rushed to the building Mark." Mark squeezed the youngers cold arms ressuring that he was here for him.

"Jeno hung from the highest floor........H-He committed suicide Mark......He looked so pale and lifeless. I was loosing my sanity as he was lowered down amd placed on a stretcher. So cold........so....empty.......He died. He's dead, he left me behind......." Donghyuck cried so much it broke Marks heart into pieces. "He left without answers.....What did I ever do wrong Mark?" The beauty looked so lost.

"D-Did he know you were pregnant?" Mark whispered gently.

"I-I conceived a month after his f-funeral. You were the f-first person I ever told that I was pregnant! I didnt money neither did I have the strength to work harder. I pay all my salary to fill the debts he made, I'm sorry for being a burden. I have no family, no place to live for the house hasnt been paid off its rent. I'm lost and I'm loosing my mind Mark....." The boy cried so much he fell asleep crying in Marks arms that night.

Mark didnt know how to process everything the brunette and cried out of his heart that night, he woke up to Donghyuck cuddled into his chest. But right now he had to visit another sight his father had spoken about. An abundant one at the farthest corner on the outskirts of Seoul. It might cost a million if brought and rebuilt.

"You dont deserve such a broken life baby Pudu." Mark pulled on a loose t shirt as he stared at the beauty cuddled on his bed, them having moved to his room in the night. He looked so innocent and broke it was painful to look at the gorgeous beauty.

"Yes dad. I'll be there in a few." Said Mark into his phone as he tried to leave an arm caught his with a small whimper.

"Are you going to leave me too?" The brunette whispered.

"No baba. I'm going site visiting." The stunningly gorgeous man sat next to the younger.

"Where?" Donghyuck sat up dressed messily with on of Marks shirt.

"Its quite far. Situated on the farthest of Seouls outskirts. Some building named Neo Zone or something. I wont be back until late can you manage alone?" Mark fondly smiled sweetly at his best friend.

"D-Dont go!" Donghyuck started panicking as he gripped on Marks shirt his eyes brimming wirh tears.

"Baby Hae I'll be home soon. I promise." The older sighed bobbing their noses together.

"T-That was the b-building he was working on. And c-comitted suicide........Mark please I cant loose you too. Please just dont go." The younger pleaded his tears falling like rain down his chubby cheeks.

"Pudu baby nothing would happen to me. Its just a sight seeing. Trust me theres nothing to worry. Besides.........Why do you even care about loosing me?" Mark chuckled getting off as he left the room to drink his coffee.

Was he doing the right thing? He didnt know, making himself the coffee he sighed, he must not let his demons take over but he had to admit that he wanted Donghyuck so much even before finding out the bitter truth about Jeno. It was a mystery as to why the later killed himself. Perhaps he was depressed to the point he couldnt take it anymore. But why? So many question swirled around Marks head making him woozy.

"Please I'm begging you. Mark dont go." Donghyuck waddled towards him with shirt paws as he wiped his tears from the back of his arms.

"Haechan you are thinking too much. Why are you bothered about me so much? Werent you the one who told me I was disgusting and was trying to slither into your life through the cracks Jeno left behind!?" Mark hissed grabbing his car keys and left. Just as he was about open the door Donghyuck crashed into his back body, his arms hugged his shoulders from under his arms.

"I love you!! Thats why! I love you more than just a friend! I love you so much and I want you so much it hurts me! I wont bare another heart break if something happened to you Mark! I fucking unconditionally and irrevokably love you!" Donghyuck screamed into the olders back.

I Wish You Were Mine [MarkHyuck]♥Where stories live. Discover now