Rakshit's style

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Rakshit- chalo...

Drishti- kahan chalo.

Rakshit didn't answered her and dragged her to the auditorium. He informed his MD to gather everyone as he has to announce something important to them..
Within 5 mins everyone was in auditorium. Drishti was getting nervous seeing so many people staring at them. Rakshit held her hand and made a way to stage near the podium.

Rakshit- a very warm afternoon to everyone present over here. I called u all here as I have a really important announcement to make.Looking in drishti eyes.....
I want to introduce my life to you...
Yes... My wife, my life.
So, introducing my wife,
Mrs Drishti Rakshit Shergill... my wife as well as my personal assistant who can assist me inside out.drishti smiles at his statement....And yes though she is my PA but for few days she will not be working... As I want her to explore this beautiful city first... But next time onwards she will join us. So please make sure u all are polite to her, any kind of misbehavior with her will lead to ur resignation letter, so be aware.
And today I m giving lunch treat to SGC as my wife is here for the first time... So we need to celebrate right.

All the staff gave a huge round of applause to the couple welcoming drishti. Some of the lady staff members were jealous some were really happy for their boss. Some were scanning drishti. But drikshit did not care, they went to the parking...Rakshit called mark on the way and they went to their home.

After luch they decided to have a small nap 💤. When drishti woke up her hubby was nowhere to be seen.
Then her eyes saw a note on the side table of the bed.

Firstly I don't know how to ask
somebody out.. As it's my first
time and I have never asked
somebody out.

Drishti- oh my god I m his first.. She did a happy dance in her mind. And resumes reading.

I have tried to make it more
romantic and less cheezy.. But
do forgive me if it's not upto ur

Drishti- arey.. To kya hua, isme maafi magne wali kya baat hai.I love u.... No matter what.

I know u will love me
regardless of the way
I propose u. I have tried my best
to make it special even tried
Google to help me out... But at
Last I ended up writing this
note as it is easy, less
time consuming, not cheezy
And majorly it's our thing

Drishti- giggles

See these talks took me
Off topic.. U always do this
to me such a distraction
U are but fortunately
a good one.

Drishti- blushes..

So coming to our proposal
I want you to take u on
a date...

Drishti- and why should I come.. Giggles..

Reasons u should come
with me are few normal points

1.bcoz..i m your husband

Drishti- akdu..

Akdu bologi pata hai.. 😉.

Drishti smiles

Okay.. Point no.
2. Bcoz I will try everything
to make u happy.

Drishti- awe...

Point no. 3
bcoz I love u and want to
make this night memorable
for both of us on our first official
Date... 😉

Drishti- I love u too.

But I love u more . So if its
A yes and then to come.. I have kept
a red saree for u to get dressed.
And if it's a no then also
get dressed in that saree and come
So we can have dinner as husband
and wife.

Drishti- I guess it's a business proposal. But it's a yes for our date.

I know it may sound like
A business proposal but I
can't help it... It is the only
thing I know well...and that
Is Business.

Drishti- I know that.

And u know that . So now get
Ready and come to poolside.
I can't wait more to see u in
that saree😉.
Your hubby- Rakshit.

Drishti openned the gift box placed below the note and saw a beautiful red saree and soon she got dressed up.

Drishti spares a last glance at the mirror before leaving

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Drishti spares a last glance at the mirror before leaving.

Drishti- oh my god... Classy choice Mr shergill.

So... How was the date
proposal 😉... Through
a note. I hope it was
something different.
Still ur feedback is must..
Happy Reading 😄.

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