"If you're thinking of escaping Allen kun it's quite impossible. You'll only kill yourself so try to be a good boy and take your medicine?"


The Earl pulled out a long syringe and Allen cried out in horror to get away. The Earl,however, had a few tricks up his sleeve despite being so fat and in a second had Allen lying flat on his back pinned to the bed by one of the Earl's claws around his neck.

He struggled to push him off but his efforts were fruitless as a moment later the syringe was pushed into his skin through his bones and veins. Unable to hold it in any longer he screamed and began to thrash about.

The Pain was so intense in but a matter of moments he black out.

Allen knew he was dreaming. It was a very odd dream though.Everywhere he turned blackness stretched ahead of him. Beneath his feet water rippled as he moved. He was cold and felt as if he were about to faint even though he was pretty sure he couldn't really faint in a dream since he was already unconscious.

A sudden noise caught his attention,It sounded like a mixture between a splash of a tiny rain drop and a musical chime. Allen glanced around but saw nothing.

Suddenly he felt something grab his leg. He looked down quickly and saw his reflection surging up from beneath the pool of water by using his leg as an anchor. A twisted smile adorned his face making him look capable of quite a few bad things.

Allen tried to unhook the boy's fingers but ended up getting grabbed instead. At last the reflection pulled itself completely out of the water's hold. It faced him and at last Allen saw that despite his resemblance his reflection didn't quite look the same as him for he had dark colored skin and line of crosses carved into his forehead.


Allen gasped and tried to run but Noah Allen grabbed him.

"Not so fast" he whispered into Allen's ear." Do you even understand the importance of this situation ?"

Allen shook his head. Noah Allen sighed." I've been waiting for so long for someone to set me free. Waiting is very hard. But now,now we can merge at last. White and black, though separate, can also be one. Together we can unlock our full potential. The power we hold at our fingertips... No one can stop us Allen" he whispered his gray eyes shone with fevor that Allen suddenly realized his teammates saw when he was in battle against akuma.

Wary of him but realizing that Noah Allen didn't seem to want to kill him he asked." What do you mean separate but one?"

Noah Allen laughed." It means that we will the same mind and will be able to become human or Noah as much as we like. No longer will we be separate and weak he sneered.

"That's right."

Allen spun around. Despite the blackness all around there was a shadow that stood apart a shadow that looked very familiar. It's white eyes pierced his and his wide grin unnerved Allen to the core.

"Who are you?" He tried to back away but suddenly found himself unable to move.

The shadow moved to stand beside Noah Allen" I am the Fourteenth."

"The Fourteenth?"

"Yes..I am the Musician. I can control the Ark and weave spells with instruments, the strongest being my piano. Your friend there is the Noah of Time. He has been with you since the beginning;his abilities are much like your friend Miranda's but the force of my power is much more palpable."

Allen's eyes widened." W-why are you here?" He whispered. The Noah was moving closer, that disturbing grin lighting up his face.

"The Earl was after Mana because he wanted the spirit of my Noah to impact into someone of his own choosing, someone who would be loyal to him. But before he could find me, my brother transferred me to you and taught you the song to control the Ark through a game. The Earl thought he'd finally won when you turned Mana into an akuma. He thought the Noah was completely destroyed when you purified his soul, and consequently me, when you killed Mana. But I survived and nurtured the original Noah inside your soul so that it would not be completely destroyed by your innocence." The Noah grinned wider.

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