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[Dendy's POV]

I still have no idea about that person who came to kiss me in the middle of our date, but you won't believe what happened next. After that incident y/n called a break up and didn't gave me a single attention for once, as if i was just a ghost to her.. That was sad but i guess it's still my fault, she was just a soft naive and a fragile person. She trusts people easily and instead of having good times she's getting hurt, she always worries me..

"Um Dendy, are you ok? You've been very down because of y/n" KO spoke as he sat next to me "I'm fine..." i spoke softly and started to stare on my desk, KO moved his palms and made look at him. "mate, just because y/n is all like that doesn't mean you have to hurt yourself!" KO spoke, he then swiftly pinched my cheek and it kinda hurt. I looked at him a bit madly and he asked "you haven't been eating aren't you?" i just kept on staring, he sighed and went to his seat.

Ms. Quantum went to our classroom and started discussing to us.



Finally, that shit was over. I obviously am tired of this place.

I went to my locker and put my stuffs in, i brought out my notebook and head to the canteen. While i was sitting alone a guy approached me and asked if he can sit with me, of course i said that he can. He sat there weirdly and started eating, he layed an eye on my notebook and said "your art looks nice" i looked at him back and gave him my very shy thanks, he nodded and started eating again.

"what's you name?"


Short isn't it? Sorry m8 can't write long chappyz i am indeed busyy

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