"Bad Blood" TerrorLadd Angst

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Brian's POV:

Today was the day, me and Craig's two year anniversary. When I woke up with still sleeping next to me. I checked the calendar on my phone. I was so excited about the plans I had to make this day life-changing for him. I woke up, did my usual daily routine and wrote on a sticky note,
"I'm out shopping for the day. I'll try to get back as early as I can, enjoy work. Love ya, babe. Brian xoxo"
I placed the note next to the giant breakfast I cooked for Mini. I grabbed my keys and went to the mall to get my gift.

Time Skip

It was 8 pm when I was driving back home. I felt the tiny velvet box with the engagement ring in the pocket of my jacket. When I pulled in I noticed the lights were on inside the house, but I didn't think much of it. As I went inside I immediately noticed three things: someone's pair of shoes next to Craig's, an open bottle of red wine with two half-full glasses and a phone that I didn't recognise.
He must have a friend over, I thought, but where could they possibly...
My thoughts were interrupted when I heard noises upstairs. As I went up the second floor, I could hear the noises getting louder. They were coming from our room, but as I went to the door,
Wait, those noises, I thought again, they're moans. Dear God, he'd better be watching porn.
I gently opened the door...


It was Mini. He was HAVING SEX WITH SOMEONE ELSE!!! She gasped as they both tried to cove themselves. Baffled. Doubled-stunned. NO words could describe how I felt...
"CRAIG, WHAT THE FOCK?!" I screamed.
"I-It's not what it looks like!"
"It's exactly what it looks like!" I immediately countered back, "And on our anniversary too?!" At this point, my voice broke and I felt tears roll down my face, "H-How could you?!"
Craig got up and tried to grab his clothes, "I-I'm sorry, I—"
"How long has this been going on for?" I asked, narrowing my eyes and placing my hands on my hips. The answer I got was horrible.
"Six months..."
I stood silent then slapped him in the face, "Six months?! WE'VE BEEN DATING FOR TWO YEARS!!"
"Don't you dare call me babe, we are THROUGH!"
I walked out and slammed the door so hard that I could hear cracks, but I didn't give a shit anymore.
I just wanted to punch that cunt in the face and scream at him before never talking to him again—at least unless he apologized and made it up to me somehow, but I knew that wasn't possible. Why did that cheating bastard do this to me? Why couldn't he have just dumped me and went with her? At least then he wouldn't have been wasting my time for two years.
As I was packing my bags preparing to leave him, I heard Craig rushing down the stairs. He pulled me up, making me turn around. He was now fully clothed.
"Brian, please! I'm sorry! I swear, I never meant for any this to happen! I—"
"How could you have not meant for this to happen?" I countered in immediately, "You cheated on me with some whore behind my back for six goddamn months when I was trusting you and planning our entire future together!" I could hear my accent getting heavier and louder as I went on.
"I'm sorry, I should have told you—"
"Should have told me? You should have NEVER done it in the first place, Craig!" I snapped at him, "Now you've ruined us and there's NO way to take it back!"
He tried to calm me down by telling me that he and his side-whore were done and that he promised it'll never happen again, but that didn't work.
"And you think I'm just gonna forget about it? I'm not a dumbass, Craig! Do you seriously think I would ever get back together with you after that?! No focking way!" I felt myself on the brink of tears. "And to think I wasted my money on this..." I pulled the engagement box from my pocket and threw it at Craig before grabbing my bags and my suitcase and heading to the door. "Give it to her."
But he tried one last time.
"I'm serious, Brian," he tried to reason. I heard a faint sniffle as I grabbed the doorknob. I sighed in frustration.
"Brian, I am so sorry. Please... you don't have to forgive me, just please understand. You're right, I should have never done that to you. I swear I'll never do that to you again, I won't let myself hurt you like this again. I'll let you punch me in the face a thousand times if that'll make you feel better. Your happiness is all I care about. I love you, Brian...I can't live without you."

Although those words didn't stick with me, I felt as if I haven't gotten the satisfaction I needed yet. So I dropped my bag and walked over to Craig. As I faced him I grabbed his shoulders...

And kicked him in the balls as hard as I could. Hearing him groan slightly made me feel better. As he collapsed to the floor, I said to him,

"...Then die."

I walked back to the door, grabbed my stuff again and as Craig glanced at me, I gave him the middle finger, told him, "Fuck you, cunt..." and left the house; slamming and breaking another door again.
As I went into my car and drove out, I played my "Pissed Off" playlist on my car. The first song that came up was a cover of Taylor Swift's song "Bad Blood" by Silence the City. I sang along to the song as well as the rest of the songs in my playlist as I drove to one of my best friend's house.

(Play Song)

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