Chapter 9: Hunter

Começar do início

"You're welcome...Hunter Reed right?"

"Oh, you remember me? And here I thought a pretty girl like you wouldn't remember me." He chuckles.

"I-" I open my mouth but no words come out. I think he's flirting with me.

"Dela Greene right?" His smile was almost flirtatious. I dont know what he saw, but today was not a cute day.

"Ah, you remember me." I nod.

"Of course," his expressive eyes stares at me for a moment. I barely manage to keep myself from melting into a puddle.

"So what are you doing here?" I ask curiously, clearing my throat.

"I just transferred today," he glances at a white paper. "I'm supposed to go to room 301?"

"h, you're new?" I feel slightly happy, but I don't show it. I can't be crushing on him already? I just met the guy. Of course not. This doesn't happen in Dela's world. This is not a thing. The only boys in my life will be my uncles and brothers.. "Here, do you want me to show you around? I'm going to room 301 too!"

"Yeah, that'd be awesome." He nods.

"Here let me see your schedule real quick?" He hands it to me, and I glance at it. He only has math with me, but his schedule is almost the same as the twins. I don't think the twins will like that. It's a gut feeling for some reason.

"You're a senior?" His eyes twinkle faintly as he smiles softly.

"Yeah, you?"

"I'm a junior" I nod. "We have math, but I can direct you to where you need to go for some of the others if you want?"

"Thanks, but I don't want you to have to go out of your way and do that," he refuses my offer. Huh, he's a lot nicer than I thought he would be. I don't like being judgmental, but I would have assumed him to be cocky, or even arrogant? I guess I've lived with my brother too long for Hunter to be nice.

"So we're already ten minutes late. We should hurry because the teacher absolutely hates tardies." I roll my eyes and beckon him to follow.

"You're not on time, huh?" He smirks a bit.

"Blame my brothers," I roll my eyes. "I like to be on time, but they like to run on their own clocks."

He laughs and hurries with me to the class. We enter the classroom shortly and Ms. Hillebrand stops mid-lecture to look at me. She furrows her eyebrows and an unpleasant expression flashes across her face. "Delany, you're late again." She butchers my name intentionally, pronouncing it "Dee-lune-knee." Then again, her accent butchers everything.

Her face turns pleasant as she glimpses at Hunter. "Ah, who are you?"

"I'm Hunter. Today is my first day here." He walks confidently to her and shakes her hand. Handing her his office pass, he then adds, "Dela was showing me around, since I was lost. I'm sure you could pardon her?" He gives a warm, full grin.

I'm sure Ms. Hillebrand, the old bat, is flustered as she peers at Hunter. She blinks slowly and nods," Yeah, of course. Just this once."

Thank you gorgeous. I think silently. No saturday school for me. I head towards my seat and sit down. It doesn't help that Hunter has caught all thirty pairs of eyes in the classroom. Everybody must be curious, especially since he transferred in the middle of the year. Plus, Hunter is hot. All the girls are checking him out, and the guys are weighing him. Thank god this is an accelerated class, and the sluts aren't here. I'm sorry, but girls like Kendall are sluts. I wouldn't call her that if she wasn't.

Under these StarsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora