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It's dead in the common room except for delta who goes on a walk

Seeing through delta's eyes

Delta walks by the 1-b dorms and the main building in the background

He doesn't know why but he sees a flash of a green haired boy with tall blue haired boy with glasses and a girl with brown hair and a slight blush on her cheeks then he hears a name


He's very confused he returns to the dorms


He opens the door and sees no one so he decides to go to sleep when he sits down

The next morning

Delta is spacing out until he hears someone enter the dorm room

He looks up to see cementos(I probably f***ed that up)

Cementos:ah your still here. Come with me.

Delta does what is asked of him and follows his past teacher

They arrive at the field Aizawa did the quirk apprehension test

Cementos:do you remember anything?

All of a sudden delta is holding his head in pain as his vision flashes between normal and white

Cementos:are you okay?

He helps delta stay up ah delta nods his head "yes"

He then is allowed to go through the building and sees his classroom,the room he and all talked in before the sports festival,the locker room and he's shown the time he practically murdered overhaul which was caught on the news camera

Every time he gets flashes of his former life

Then he's escorted to the dorms where he sits on the ground and passes out

Soon afterwards everyone gets back to the dorms and don't see delta in his regular spot and call out for him then they hear a grunt coming from the floor above them

They go up to the source of the noise and see deku trying to open the door but its Locked and they see the glass from his helmet is red and he try's to bash it down but momo stops him

Momo:I'll make the key.

Delta calms down and backs up to allow her to make the key and open the door

After she done she opens the door which deku has to crouch just to get in he looks around and falls to the ground in pain


Her,hagakure,mina and kirishima help him

That night

Momo:hey goodnight izuku.

He nods and Pat's her head she giggles and goes to bed with a frown on her face

Momo:I'm sorry I can't help you izuku I'm so sorry.

She starts to cry and falls asleep

Delta felt her crying and felt nothing but sorrow

He notices something on the top of the refrigerator and gets up to see what it is

He gets to the refrigerator and turns on his head lamp

Delta starts to read it and gains more memories

The next morning he's found reading the files by denki

Denki:hey delta whatcha doi-.

He sees delta stop and put them down then he shuts down and not responding to the activation phrase denki rushes to everyone's rooms and gets them to see the stiff body of delta

Mina:what happened?

Denki:he was reading those files and he just stopped and put them down then shut down.

Momo:oh no.

She runs over to him

Momo:hey izuku are you okay?

Computer:memory data core destabilized. Seeking memory spots.

Momo:go get mr. Aizawa. NOW!

After aizawa understands what's going on he informs them that delta will be going to the usj

Hey guys I'm thinking I'm about to end this so if you want me to do something else I have a whole other different storyboard for that just go to my account

Delta or izuku midoriya (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora