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I'm inside my room locked as my parents were banging on my door I was scared my name is crystal my mom and dad abuse me for being different so I stay inside my room when I heard my door opened I saw my father just kicked the door open when he and my mother entered the room "you little brat! How dare you not listen to us!" Yelled mother as she punched my stomach as my father looked at me with a smirk and hit my head with a beer bottle then I passed out when I woke up I looked all around I was still in my room as I stood up and bandaged my fresh bruises and wounds after putting some bandage opened my window and transforms to a wolf and jumped out my window and ran towards the forest as I kept running and running until I reached the peak of an mountain as I walked and looked around to see a fox and some other animals as I layed under a tree and fell asleep

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