Chapter 3

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3rd person's pov

It's been years since they met the fox which they call Sensei Everytime Ame and Crystal become more wolf than human but like them Yuki was becoming more of a human than a wolf the three teenagers where seated in the kitchen but Ame started telling Yuki about what they have been Learning and telling her she should have yuki Disagreed and started getting angry that was when the two started fighting

Crystal's pov

Ame and Yuki were fighting while hana tried stopping them that was when Crystal decided to try and stop them "Yuki! Ame! Stop!" She turned to her wolf form and started to try and get in between the two when Yuki Accidentally bit Crystal's leg and started hurting her Crystal whimpered in pain hana tried to stop yuki but that was when Ame Tackled Yuki and Yuki ran to the bathroom  before getting more hurt

Ame's pov

When Yuki and I started fighting I noticed the white fur of my mate being stained in blood I saw my sister Hurting her I went and attack her but before I could do more damage to her she went to the bath room I checked on crystal she was wounded I started scanning  her but I turned into a wolf carrying her in my back and left the house and went to the mountains to find Sensei I found him and asked him for help as he treated  Crystal as I sat there watching

Yuki's  pov

After everything that happened Ame Ignores Me and Whenever I tried to talk to Crystal and apologize Ame would growl at Me and pull Crystal away after that the next day We were having a Nice meal but that was when someone knocked on the door We never knew it will change everything

Crystal's pov

I went and open the door that was when I saw them my so called parents I started yelling telling Hana to take Yuki and Ame to the Room and Lock themselves  in there until she returned I turned to My wolf form and killed my mother that was when my father pulled out a gun and shot me but then I look Behind me to see The three people that took care of me that was when I gave them A faint smile and everything  went black

Hana's pov

Crystal Started yelling I wanted to go and help until she told me to hide in the room with Ame and Yuki That was when I grabbed them both going to the room And locked ourselves that was when we heard fighting after a few minutes  the fighting was over we went out to see we saw a Man pulling out a gun And shot Crystal We stood there tears weld up in my eyes Yuki and Ame were shock and also had tears flowing down their cheek that was when crystal looked at us and fell to the ground the man then ran away for he knew he was going to Jail that was when I heard Yuki and Ame Yelling but I saw the state Ame was in He was begging for her to wake up our neighbor came with his car and had given us a ride to the hospital and gave them Crystal but when they look at her they were shocked and rushed her to the ER

Ame's Pov

I Can't stop pacing around that was when I felt someone hug me I saw Yuki I hugged her back and started crying Cystal was my first and last friend she's practically  my mate I can't lose her My mom then was in a call with the police and told them Crystal's  full name but then the doctor came out me and Yuki looks at him "hiw is she?!" I Asked but the doctor looked down "We were able to remove the bullet from her but there is a 50% Chance she will survive and 50% chance to no make it for now she is in a coma" He said I looked and Broke down

Yuki's Pov

Like that Everything Changed I still go to School but Everytime I see anyone with their sisters I get reminded of Crystal While Mom Filed and Law suit aginst Crystal's father where we learned owned a big company that was left for crystal by her grandfather they thought if the have another daughter the company will be given to her but they were wrong her grandfather never liked Crystal's  sister we also me her sister she tried asking us to forgive her father and she acts like a spoiled brat but Ame didn't budge This has more effect on him he has stayed in the hospital as Crystal's watcher and the lawyer came and made us sign stuff since Crystal wasn't old enough it was written that whoever  is available to take the company they will take care of it so me and mom help each other to take care of the company and there was also a few hundred yen on her bank Account which she stated when she was younger to give half of the money To the orphans and the other half was to us it seems like when she went to school she bumped  into her grandfather and told him everything and we used the money for her needs in the hospital but It's been months since then

Ame's pov

I was In the forest alone Sensei Died a week after Crystal was hospitalized but I always only stay in the hospital when I returned Crystal's doctor approached me and told me she was awake I looked at him before running to her room to see the white fur I loved seems like the doctors here knew she was a wolf child but that was when she told me that this hospital  was owned by her late grandfather that he told the doctors about her conditions so the doctors and nurse where acting normal around her I hugged Her tight and smiled

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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