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"Evil is with us Always And Forever ".
Devil within.
I will keep quiet
You won't even know I'm here
You won't suspect a thing
You won't see me in the mirror
But I crept into your heart
You can't make me disappear
Til I make you
I made myself at home
In the cobwebs and the lies
I'm learning all your tricks
I can hurt you from inside
I made myself a promise
You would never see me cry
Til I make you
You'll never know what hit you
Won't see me closing in
I'm gonna make you suffer
This hell you put me in
I'm underneath your skin
The devil within
You'll never know what hit you
I will be here
When you think you're all alone
Seeping through the cracks
I'm the poison in your bones
My love is your disease
I won't let it set you free
Til I break you
You'll never know what hit you
Won't see me closing in
I'm gonna make you suffer
This hell you put me in
I'm underneath your skin
The devil within
You'll never know what hit you
I tried to be the lover to your nightmare
Look what you made of me
Now I'm a heavy burden that you can't bear
Look what you made of me
Look what you made of me
I'll make you see
You'll never know what hit you
Won't see me closing in
I'm gonna make you suffer
This hell you put me in
I'm underneath your skin
The devil within
You'll never know what hit you
The devil within
You'll never know what hit you

Previously on The Originals

KEELIN: I don't go free until we make a weapon that can kill Marcel. And since I am on the most wanted list of every psycho who wants your family dead, I guess I'm Team Mikaelson whether I like it or not.
ZEALOT: You freed it, Vincent. You gave it breath. And now it must be fed
HOPE: I had a bad dream.
MARY: You're safe.
VINCENT: I saw something today, and it's something that I've seen before. This city is in danger. It means the hollow. The hollow is coming.
LARA: The Hollow wants power. The kind that only comes from sacrifice.

VINCENT: This thing is dark, it's angry, it's very powerful. Everything that you want to keep buried -- it's going to use that and make you do exactly what it wants you to do. They wanted us here. They want to channel your power and anchor the Hollow to the living world.
LARA: It will feed... And it will rise.
HOPE: It's here. The Hollow. It's here.

What do we do next? Hayley asks.
Well you put Elijah down Klaus says.
Yes and now he's awake and is -
He's taking to himself he's crazy marcel says.
Look the hallow inside my head now marcel nods.
It's also herring into others we have to put it to an end now or ——
We won't be doing anything Kol says walking in.
What bloody are you going on about? Rebekah says.
The hallow will resurrect Davina if I do something Kol says.
What? Klaus says.

Elijah I need to talk to you hayley says.
When I was at Mary's I found this.
It was Mary's husband journal.
It's about my parents she says.
ELIJAH: What does he say about them?
HAYLEY: Ramblings about how they were traitors for dealing with vampires.
ELIJAH: You can see his writing deteriorate as his thoughts do.
HAYLEY: In the end, he can't even form a coherent sentence. Elijah, I think the Hollow made Mary's husband kill my parents.

St. Louis Cathedral

[Freya is putting the final touches on the spell she's working on as Keelin watches from behind.]

KEELIN: You never stop, do you? Just, every day you do a spell, vanquish some evil, do another spell, rinse and repeat.
FREYA: I have hobbies. For instance, I collect the ashes of my enemies.
KEELIN: My point is that even during my most traumatic hospital rotations, I'd make time. Ten minutes, one minute, whatever I could steal, to go up to the roof, look up at the sky, and just breathe. Remind myself that there was a whole world away from the madness of the E.R.
FREYA: I'll-I'll care a lot more about that world once I know my brother's safe. Anything strange happens just wake me up, okay?
[Freya begins her spell on the Hollow totem.]

FREYA: Din montre otimo sekre. Din montre otimo sekre. Din montre otimo sekre. Din montre otimo sekre. Din montre otimo sekre. Din montre otimo sekre.
[The Hollow's spiritual form presents itself in fron of Freya and Keelin.]

KEELIN: This is officially strange.
FREYA: Din montre otimo sekre. Din montre...
KEELIN: Freya? Freya! Damn it, Freya!
[Keelin forcefully shoves Freya into the adjacent wall, ending her spell.]

KEELIN: Hey. You okay?
FREYA: It wants Klaus and Marcel to kill each other. And when they die, it will absorb their power, and then we'll never be able to stop it.

The mighty Freya Mikaelson felled by antiseptic.
FREYA: Keelin, thank you.
KEELIN: Is that gratitude? From the Viking witch who spends her days channeling evil spirits to save vampire brothers? Yeah, you got a concussion.
FREYA: Sometimes I'm forced to do things that I regret. And for what I did to you... Sorry.
KEELIN: I get it. At the end of the day, what you did was for family. And if mine were still alive, I'd do the same. Just don't ever mess with me again.

Flashback Hayley as Mary

HAYLEY: Don't do that.
MARY: Do what?
HAYLEY: Blame yourself. You think that if you'd stopped your husband, I would have had a better life.
MARY: No one deserves what you've been through.
HAYLEY: It's because of what I've been through that I have her. She is a Mikaelson and I am a Marshall, but we're both still Labonairs. Mary, Jackson said that tragedy always followed my family around... Executions, people dying in floods, fires, or just vanishing. What if the Hollow is behind those deaths, too? And if it went after the Labonairs before what if it wants to finish what it started.

Abandoned House

[Dominic stalks the halls, coming to where Marcel's blood lays on the floor, a plant growing from within it. A figure approaches him from behind; Sofya.]

SOFYA: You lied to me. I wanted Klaus dead. We had a deal. Marcel getting taken was not part of it. I should kill you.
DOMINIC: You could. But then you'll never get what you want. Marcel's blood was spilled today. As he is the only one who can kill an Original the Hollow has received this offering and given us a gift in return. A single scratch from that thorn will kill an Original. And we both get what we want.
SOFYA: You want a blood sacrifice for your dead witch, I don't care. All I want is my revenge.

This chapter is a filler I apologize 🤧
Alexia isn't appearing in this one due to a very important reason and you all find out next chapter 😄

Elexia Their Story - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now