I shrugged off the thoughts as they were making me feel dejected.

"Evan." I faced him. "Your girlfriend is crushing over another man. You're failing to be a good boyfriend." I teased him to divert the topic which was focused on me.

Evan gasped and stood up. "I'm a good boyfriend. Trish is just... Just... Trish, why did you call him hot? Am I not hot enough for you?" He asked her in disbelief.

I smirked at them and walked away.

"Eloise Nicole, I'm going to get back at you for doing this to me." I heard Trish yelling at me.

I laughed. I love to tease them. I love to put a little fire of healthy jealousy between them. This makes them talk more to solve their issues, clear any misunderstanding; make them spend more time with each other. This makes their bond stronger.


I was at the studio, standing in front of the camera with three other models shooting for a clothing brand. We were posing for the click when suddenly someone stopped the shoot.

"What's wrong? Why did you stop?" I asked.

"Miss Nicole, someone is here to meet you." The crew member said.

"Who?" I frowned.


I closed my eyes in exasperation. Rick Hashington. What the heck is he doing here?

"Miss Nicole, I have something important to discuss with you. Let's talk in private." He announced loudly. Everyone present there looked in my direction.

"Mr. Hashington, as you can see I'm in the middle of the photoshoot, so please, wait until I'm free." Though I was irritated by his presence, still I spoke politely.

"I think you are forgetting who I am. I don't wait for anyone. You should be glad that I came to meet you personally." Rick exclaimed intimidatingly.

He was making a scene so I had no option but to talk to him. I was about to approach him when Evan came to me.

"Eloise, you're not going to talk to him." He whispered so no one could hear us.

"I have to otherwise he won't leave."

"Then I'll come with you. I'm not leaving you alone with him."

"Evan, I'll talk to him in the studio itself. Don't worry, okay." I said and walked past him.

Rick led me to one of the green room and shut the door.

"I was waiting for your call but you never called to give your answer, so I had to come personally. You should feel honored." Rick said crossing his arms across his chest.

"Mr. Hashington, I made it clear to you that I won't work for you on this," I replied keeping my head high.

"And I made it clear to you that I only want you." He raked his eyes on me from head to toe. Pervert!

"There are many models out there waiting to grab the opportunity. Why are you not giving them a chance? After all, you are known to give chances to new women in the industry." I dared to say.

He chuckled. "Feisty! That's what I like about you." Then he started taking slow predatory steps towards me. "But Eloise, you don't decide who I want and who not." His eyes became hard, he was trying to intimidate me but I stood on my ground.

"Mr. Hashington, I don't remember that we ever decided to be informal. It would be better if you keep it professional." I said sternly.

"Who said I'm not keeping it professional?" He stood a hand distance from me. "If I wasn't keeping it professional then you would have agreed to work for me till now." He smirked evilly.

Entangled: PlayfullyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang