Joan had used considerable amounts of effort to follow Ozuna, In stark contrast of Beacon, this place made her uneasy. every step she took filled her with a dark, ominous feeling. tingling around her spine it didn't help that Ozuna was faster than her making Joan do a light jog just to reach her.

"Unnerving, isn't it Joan?" Ozuna spoke, her smooth voice echoing throughout this chamber of dread. Joan responded with a slight nod as they continued their walk.

"I'm sure it is, being filled with magic for the first time must very feel different to Aura," before Joan could say anything Ozuna picked up her speed.

they eventually arrived at their destination, a large circular intersection, connecting three other hallways.

there Joan saw a large doughnut-shaped table with chairs surrounding it and a holo table in the middle of it. "Please, take a seat, Joan, our other guests will be arriving soon,"

As if it was rehearsed, 2 other people came out of the hallway opposite as soon as Ozuna finished her sentence. both of them she recognized. Glynda Goodwitch, a professor at Beacon Academy, famous for her telekinetic semblance and professionalism in battle as well as being admired by future huntress in training, while also being deathly afraid of her infamous 'lectures'.

Pyrrha Nikos, both of them were renowned prodigies and always faced each other in tournaments, forming a margin of respect for each other as well as being best friends. They ran to each other, greeting them with a hug.

"Joan are you alright?" Pyrrha asked, 'always putting her friends first,' Ozuna thought, "Don't worry Pyrrha I'm alright," Joan replied calming Pyrrha down.

Ozuna looked on as both of the prodigies had their full attention on headmistress of Beacon. "Headmistress Ozuna," Pyrrha began with a slight bow, "Forgive me, but could you tell us the purpose of us being here?"

Ozuna just gave a smile as she reared her heel and walk towards the holo table, "The survival of human and Faunus races of course,"

2 Capsules sank below from the ceiling, containing 2 unconscious women. the maidens have arrived.

Mistral Underground

"It's, nice Cardin" Jaune hesitatingly commented on the flag Cardin patched together. "Really?!" Cardin asked, "I worked on it for hours!" He exclaimed flying the abomination like a patriot. seriously, what does a stick man playing the guitar has anything to do with the legion of man? Jaune and Cardin were currently in a makeshift office bolted together with the children of the underground. Old rotting pieces of wood stunk the small cubicle resonating from a scrap wooden desk, sitting on plastic chairs looted from a MsDonalds'

"But I'd have to go with this one," Jaune gestured to the flag propped up beside Cardin. It looked like the male gender symbol with a clenched fist inside it. It was simple and memorable, children being able to draw it easily. That was the most important thing.

"but that's so boring, it should be-" Cardin's wailing was (thankfully) interrupted by a boy entering the office. the 12-year-old Faunus awkwardly waltzed inside the room. despite his rugged look, his dog ears dirtied by his surroundings, his clothes sharing the same properties. Rufus was a reliable guy if you wanted something done.

"Ah yes! Rufus come in, come in!" Jaune welcomed, ending Cardin's rant for a flag. "Any news? has the implementation gone well?"

"Yes leader-," Jaune raised an eyebrow at him, "I-i mean Jaune, the men dwelling on the abandoned subway systems have agreed to join us. gaining a larger influx of information across the districts."

Cardin stopped grumbling about the flag and had a great smile on his face. "In no time we will be able to take control of the city!"

"Well you see Cardin," Cardin raised an eyebrow, "I-i mean master Cardin. The only existing stations lead to the slums, all upper district stations have either remodelled to account for the skytrains or destroyed completely."

Rufus quivered in his boots, his small form twitched as if he was expecting something. Jaune peered at his bowing face. This boy, this behaviour was only seen in abusive relationships. Due to censorship from media, Jaune could only compare his shaking to those rescue dogs on the TV.

He needed someone to rely on, hopefully, the Legion of man would be like this to everyman everywhere. This needed to start now.

He put his hand on Rufus' shoulder, surprising him before accepting it. "You don't have to call him Master, isn't that right Cardin?" Jaune smiled, however for Cardin, that sent a completely different message to him. "U-uh, Y-yes! It was only a joke, Rufus!" Cardin stammered out.

Rufus smiled at both of them before continuing his report, "However, we can give aid towards homeless communities and start instilling our presence within the lower regions of Mistral,"

"Thank you for the report, Rufus, you may return to your duties," Jaune calmly stated. As Rufus left the room, Jaune began to speak. "I truly want to change this world for the better Cardin,"

Cardin looked at Jaune curiously, "Ever since I lived in that grand palace, I looked at the world narrowly. At the whims of my mother, she taught me that the world was equal for both men and women. As she taught me how to sew, cook and clean, the perfect househusband." Jaune continued to reminisce.

"The world is broken, and this Salem could just take one tiny bit out. It would all come crashing down." Cardin smiled at Jaune. "Looks like you got your priorities sorted out buddy, come on, let's take a look at those relief packages."

Before both of them could walk out of the door, Rufus came rushing in again. "Jaune, Cardin! Somethings happening! the Highlanders have come! they are quickly coming down through the west sewers!"

Jaune and Cardin went on full alert, rushing down through the tightly packed halls of their newly founded organisation, that could already face imminent destruction. "Who are these people and what do they want with us?" Jaune spoke while rushing towards the entrance.

"Highlanders, an organised crime group that usually force the men living down here to pay them for their protection, usually this would be good if they didn't starve us to death," Cardin shouted, "These fuckers toy with us all they want, Grimm come down here because the underground is a cesspool of negativity, so we need to pay these bandits."

"Not on my watch," Jaune said as they reared the corner, they see 4 women, around Jaune's age terrifying people twice their age. everyone is enraged, seeing these teenagers exploiting the poorest of the poorest for money.

the team of girls seem to notice the new arrivals. "Hey, hey! We're team NDGO from Vacuo! Newest huntress for the Highlanders, I'm Nebula," Expressed nebula, a purpled haired girl, As if she were teasing them she kicked aside a bread before walking up to them.

Wearing a cocky smirk she played with a small knife with her hand, before pointing it at the trio, "So what'll be cuties?" A long silence drew out before it was interrupted by Jaune

"Your death," Jaune said before shooting a ray of light straight at her head. 

RWBY: Jaune, Warrior of MankindWhere stories live. Discover now