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The following morning was Gemma's day off. The sky was dull, painted over with grey clouds, and Gemma loved it. Gemma loved cloudy days. They were comforting to her. Sunny days were too cheery, too bright. Rainy days were okay, but they limited what you could do. Cloudy days were perfect. They had the atmosphere of rainy days, with the practicality of sunny days.

Gemma had no plans for the day. She never made plans for her days off. It kept her from getting anxious. The best part was if she woke up and didn't want to do anything, she didn't have to do anything.

However, today she wanted to do something. The girl rolled over in her bed to grab her phone off the table. She checked her notifications but ignored most of them. She checked the temperature outside, it was supposed to be fairly cold.

Gemma groaned and got up out of her bed. She was going to have lunch in the park. That would be nice. She threw on baggy jeans and a sweatshirt and started getting everything ready.

She folded one of her blankets so that she could bring it to sit on. As she was doing so, a thought crossed her mind. She'd look kinda lame sitting there alone. Fuck, I should invite someone.

Gemma threw herself back on her bed and grabbed her phone. Of course, her first thought was to invite Pete. But that might be weird considering they never hung out. He also didn't want to deal with the disappointment that came with him saying no. "I guess Matt it is," Gemma joked to herself.

Hey Ratt, thinking about having lunch in the park today, wanna come?

Gemma went back to getting ready. Blanket, speaker, pillow. She had already mentally decided that she was going to buy food instead of make it. All Jacob and Matt every bought was chips and soda.

Gemma took off her sweatshirt so that she was only in a cropped tank top and threw it in the corner. Her room always got weirdly hot. She collapsed back down on her bed but was immediately forced to stand up when there was a knocking on the door.

"Bro, can you please knock like a normal person and not like you're trying to break my door?" Gemma joked. Well half joked, her door was probably going to break if they kept that up.

"Well how about you ask me questions like a normal person instead of texting me when I'm in the next room over?" Matt retorted through the door.

Gemma laughed as she turned the door knob and let Matt in. "So you wanna come?" Gemma spoke as she grabbed her bag.

Matt nodded and followed Gemma out the door. "You wanna take my car?" Matt asked. He hoped she said yes so he could use the bluetooth to play some of his new songs.

"Yes sure," Gemma shrugged, "We have to get food thought because I don't want to eat Cheetos and Diet Coke for the sixth time this week,"

Matt laughed, "Hey, don't look at me, that's all Jacob ever wants to buy."

"Yeah but you let him!" Gemma opened the passenger side door and got in. She threw her bag in the back and kicked her feet up on the dashboard. Matt plugged his phone into the aux cord and pressed play on his playlist.

The two drove in a comfortable silence listening to the music that played. Gemma grabbed Matt's phone off the center console and looked at the song. It read 'untitled'

"So we're just too lazy to name our songs now?" Gemma chuckled.

Matt smiled as he turned on the blinker. "It's got a name I just haven't officially put it out yet."

Gemma shifted slightly so she was facing him, feet still on the dash. "Okay so, what's it called?"

Matt shifted in a slightly uncomfortable manner, "Um, I'm thinking of calling it Fangs," He spoke, looking at Gemma out of the corner of his eyes.

love affair; PETE DAVIDSONWhere stories live. Discover now