Chapter 6: The Bargain

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"Oh, man, that smells wonderful!" Matt exclaimed as the scents of the food vendors rolled over them. Mercy and Lance laughed.

"Everything edible smells good to you, brother!" Lance teased, but Mercy knew that, if he was like her, his mouth was watering just as much. Breakfast had been some time ago, and it had been a small fair at that.

Dadus, who seemed to have a perpetual smile, said, "Let's go grab us a few meat pies!" His eyes glittered and it swelled Mercy's heart to see the joy on his face at being in town once again.

"Say, Dadus, how come you don't just move into town? I mean, you seem to know everyone..." she asked as they walked slowly, giving him time to keep up.

"Tsk child! Who would take care of the ol' homestead if I did?" He looked at her meaningfully, "Who would take care of Johanna? She's been needing you to come by for some time now."

Tears welled up in Mercy's eyes. "I appreciate Johanna more than I can say, Dadus. But, now that we have met and she has shared her knowledge, perhaps it might be time for you to move on?"

A faraway look overcame Dadus and he mumbled, "Aye, perhaps you are right, child. My talent would be in high demand once again if I lived here..."

Matt smiled and winked at Mercy over Dadus' head and they both knew that it'd not be long before he was looking to relocate.

The wooden walkway they had been traveling on turned to stone as they neared the market square. They could hear the vendors beginning to hawk their wares. Dadus and Matt located the food, mostly by Matt's nose, and Lance purchased breakfast for the four of them.

"Now," Dadus said, wiping his mouth, "let's drop off Lance."

As if one cue, they heard the first of the Blacksmith's hammer blows ring through the damp morning air. Mercy could see Lance's body tighten and she realized how much he really did miss the forge.

"Come on, guys," she said, gathering her and Dadus' trash, "let go find our blacksmith his forge for the day."

Lance grinned sheepishly at her as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "Thanks, Mercy."

The forge was around the corner from the vendors. A gigantic bear of a man pounded on a newly heated piece of iron.

"William! It's good to see you again!"

The man glanced up before doing a double take, "Dadus! My man! It's been ages!"

Willam thrust the iron back into the hot coals and came out of the forge to shake the much smaller man's hand. "The wife mentioned something about you coming by and bringing some young journeyman, Evertree I think she said, with you?" His eyes quickly found Lance.

Lance stood a little taller under his scrutiny. "Yes Sir. I work at my father's forge and am slated to take over when he passes, may that be many years from now."

"Your father? Would he be Smith Evertree of Mount Saint Hope?"

"Aye, that would be my father! I take it you know of him."

"Every Smith knows of Evertree, son. Well, if you are his journeyman, you're welcome at my forge any time." He held out an enormous hand to Lance who shook it with gusto.

"That's much appreciated, Sir." Lance pointed at Mercy and said, "Let me introduce to you my friend Mercy Lane and my twin brother Matthew."

William nodded to Matt before glancing at Mercy, "Well, it's not uncommon for young men to be out and about traveling, looking for adventure, but not so much young women. What might you be doing in these parts?"

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