"What do ya wanna do?" [Y/n] asked, opening the door to his bedroom and stepping in as his blazer slid off his shoulders. Shrugging, Bakugou began to unbutton his own uniform as he sat on the bad and pulled off his shoes with his feet, tossing his blazer on the floor.

"I don't give a shit," Bakugou tossed his feet onto the bed and leaned back against the headboard. "I'm only here so I don't have to go home," he muttered, pulling out his phone. Humming, [Y/n] whipped out his phone as well.

It didn't take long for Bakugou to go as still as stone, hearing a lot of lewd noises from [Y/n]'s phone. When Bakugou snapped his head to look at [Y/n], the latter glanced over his phone and chuckled.

"What the fuck are you doing??!!" Bakugou yelled, making [Y/n] pause the video he was viewing.

"Watching porn."

"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU WATCHING PORN?!?!?" he shrieked, fumbling with the phone he was holding. [Y/n] shrugged and turned the video back on. "YOU PERVERTED BASTARD!" Bakugou kicked [Y/n], making him flinch, explosions going off in his hands.

"Heyyyyy," [Y/n] whined, rubbing the thigh Bakugou had hit. "You're one to talk. There's probably a mutated fish-human creature in the sewers by now with how much you splurge in my toilet."


"Sure sounds like it."

"FUCK YOU!?!?"

After things had settled down and the pain of being absolutely pummeled subdued, [Y/n] scooted back and leaned against the headboard next to Bakugou.

"So," [Y/n] smirked teasingly. "Wanna watch with me?" he wiggled his eyebrows. Retracting his hand, Bakugou swung it to blow [Y/n]'s face off, but his hand collided with a metal shield that slowly retracted back into [Y/n]'s forearm when Bakugou pulled back.

Sucking in a breath through his gritted teeth, Bakugou glared daggers at the other boy. [Y/n] shrugged and opened a different video, beginning to watch that one. Bakugou knew [Y/n] wasn't going to stop - not because he was determined to watch the porn, per se, he was more determined to irritate him, and he was aware. However, when the main attraction of the video began, it was hard to ignore. Bakugou tried to distract himself with his own device, but whenever a loud moan was heard, his eyes would drag to the other's screen.

"Their acting is crap," [Y/n] said bluntly. "But the chick has nice tits, so you win some you lose some," he leaned back and crossed his legs. 'Pervert...' Bakugou whispered, pushing out his lower lip as he watched. "What? You wanna watch now?" [Y/n] asked, smirking playfully as he nudged the other. Scoffing, Bakugou looked away, but evidently looked back.

Narrowing his eyes, [Y/n] glanced at Bakugou, before readjusting his position and gently resting his hand on the other boy's thigh, making his hair puff up a bit. Eyeing the hand on his leg, Bakugou shifted around a bit, but remained silent.

"This ones boring," [Y/n] muttered and changed the video once again, gently rubbing Bakugou's thigh with his thumb. Bakugou tried to swat [Y/n]s hand away, but the latter just put it back.

"Fuckin faggot," Bakugou grumbled, staring bug-eyed at the light hand on his thigh. [Y/n] laughed quietly and changed the video again. Bakugou was confused as to why he was changing the porn so much, but in the end, he didn't care as he wasn't invested in any of the videos at all.

"I know what you are, but what am I," resting his cheek against Bakugou's fluffy hair, [Y/n] turned and sniffed softly. "Ooh~ you smell nice," he laughed softly. Mumbling under his breath, Bakugou put a hand to his mouth, shuddering from all of [Y/n]'s touches. "Fruity!" he smiled idiotically as he dug his nose against his scalp

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