i don't know how long it's been until i pull drew to the bathroom telling her i have to pee.

"if your making out get the fuck out!" i say banging on the locked bathroom door. "i have to pee dumbasses" i say again before the door opens.

a guy gives me an annoyed look with a giggling girl by his side before moving out of the way so me and drew can go into the bathroom.

for some reason though right when i see the toilet a quick wave of nausea comes over me and instantly i throw up into the toilet.

"jeez, you good bil?" drew asks grabbing my hair and holding it up for me.

"yeah i'm fine" i say honestly "i don't know what that was"

"maybe you should slow down the drinking"

"no i'm f-fine i swear to god" i say grabbing water from the sink and rinsing my mouth out.

"you are slurring your words bil you need to slow down" drew says grabbing a piece of gum from her pocket to hand to me.

"drew i came to have a fun time that's exactly what im doing! now come, your favorite artist is playing." i say hearing a frank ocean song come on.

we walk down the hallway back to where everyone was dancing where i glance to the kitchen for one seconded and see him.


my stomach twists as i get feel as if someone dropped a brick on my stomach. fucking great! just fucking great! why is he even here at a highschool party?

he is talking to a group of guys with his arm wrapped around a hot girl a little taller than me. she's dressed like everyone else here which annoys me even more.

drew must have noticed him too as she puts her hand on my shoulders and and messages them lightly. "ignore him, come on let's go"

"no, i'm going over there." i say taking a long sip of my drink before handing it to drew.

"billie that's not a good idea. you are going to do something stupid you regret" she warns holding my shoulder with her right hand tightly.

i shake her off and walk straight over there.

"oh, hey bil what's up" Q says as i walk infront of him.

"don't hey bil me Q. you are a terrible person Q. telling me you will change and how you love me and how you are so sorry then go out and party a fucking day later hooking up with girls already" i say giving a quick up down glance at the girl who was by Qs side.

she had an amused look on her face like she loved what was going on which i hated.

"billie i'm tryna get over y-" Q says but before he could finish i bring my hand up to slap him across the face.

i hear low mumbles and whispers from the people standing around us as he brings his arm up from around the girl next to him.

"fuck you" i say spitting walking back towards drew.

"billie, i should be mad but that was pretty badass" drew says which makes me smile, but only for a seconded.

"i wanna leave" i say back to her.

"fair enough. this party is lame anyway. i'll go find zoe telling her we wanna go or if we have to call an uber"

"go wait your drunk ass outside before you do anything else stupid" drew scoffs and walks off to find zoe.

i do exactly that and walk outside the music fainting away as i walk towards the car. the cool air feels good on my skin. it was either hot as hell in that house or it was just me being pissed to see Q there.

i walk towards the car when someone grabs my arm and yanks it hard.

"what the fuck?" i mutter already annoyed and ready to be set off the edge.


A/N- ok the buildup is over! i know this story moves slow but i like slower moving story's in the beginning then the main plot to hit all at once just be patient with me i promise it'll be worth it lol.

smut soon u nastys

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