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Name: SilverScale
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Mate: SpitFire
Crush: SpitFire
Hatchlings: Puddle, Starflight, Silver
Appearance: a big, fully silver colored fury with crimson eyes and a nasty scar on his left forpaw
Size: Large
Wingspan: Long
Tail length: Long
Extra powers: He has another type of fire, Black Fir, which hurts even more than normal.
Major no noes: anyone hurting his hatchlings or mate, anyone disobeying the rules of the hierarchy.
Other: his theme song is Vengeful One(Disturbed)
Owner: TheGoldenFury

Name: Spitfire
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Mate: SilverScale
Crush: SilverScale
Hatchlings?: Puddle, Silver, Starflight
Appearance: she has different shades of teal scales with white and blue specks and bright green eyes
Size: Medium
Wing span: long
Tail length: long
Extra powers?: She can move things with her mind, this is why the king chose her as his mate.
Major no noes: Don't get near her hatchlings
Other/Extra?: She has already born hatchlings
Owner: @RobinStep

Name: Spoon
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mate?: Open
Crush?: Open
Hatchlings?: Open
Appearance: He has rainbow scales with white specks and brown eyes
Size: Large
Wing span: Long
Tail length: Long
Extra powers?: He can form a small shield as well as make his scales shine to stun his attacker
Major no noes: The king being rude to him
Other/Extra?: he hates the king and the kings hatchlings
Owner: @RobinStep

Name: Sky
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mate: Ocean
Crush: Ocean
Hatchlings: Sandy so far
Appearance: a sky blue dragon with some white scales that kind of look like clouds. He has gray eyes.
Size: Medium
Wing span: Normal
Tail length: Normal
Extra powers: None
Major no noes: People who are bad
Other/Extra: None
Owner: fnafandundertalefan

Name: Mist
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Mate: Open
Crush: Open
Hatchlings: None yet
Appearance: her scales look like mist. She has a blue eye and a brown eye
Size: medium
Wing span: normal
Tail length: normal
Extra powers: she can creat mist but it takes a decent amount of energy
Major no noes: people being mean
Other/Extra: None
Owner: fnafandundertalefan

Name: Enenra
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Mate: Open
Crush: Open
Hatchlings: None
Appearance: Has a radiant black color with deep purple eyes. Also has a few gray specks on his tail fins.
Size: Medium
Wing span: Long
Tail length: Long
Extra powers: Really stealthy, can stay still for over an our
Major no noes: Doesn't really have any
Other/Extra: He is socially awkward
Owner: TheGoldenFury

Name: Masky
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mate: Open
Crush: Open
Hatchlings: none
Appearance:a pitch black scaly skin with red glowing swirls along his skin and red eyes with crimson hues
Size: Large
Wing span: Long
Tail length: Long
Extra powers: Very manipulative and charming
Major no noes: being wrong
Other/Extra: he wants to be king at any cost
Owner: ValantinaHearts

Name: Ocean
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mate: Sky
Crush: Sky
Hatchlings: Sandy so far
Appearance: a mostly different shades and tints of blue dragon with some specks of sea foam green. They have orange eyes and a scar on their shoulder
Size: small
Wing span: short
Tail length: short
Extra powers: she can control water a bit
Major no noes: people harming hatchlings, people abusing others, and people who treat others differently because of something other than ranks
Other/Extra: she got her scar by a past relationship which didn't work out because her mate started to abuse her
Owner: fnafandundertalefan

Name: Sandy
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Undecided
Mate?: Open later
Crush?: Open later
Hatchlings?: Open later
Appearance: she has the scales of her mother but instead of white specks she has cloud like white scales on parts of her body and gray eyes
Size: small
Wing span: normal
Tail length: long
Extra powers?: none
Major no noes: she doesn't like to be away from her mother
Other/Extra?: her parents are Ocean and Sky
Owner: @RobinStep

Name: Starflight
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Undetermined/Straight
Mate: No/Open
Crush: No/Open
Hatchlings: No/Open
Appearance: lower than normal height but still a bit taller than others her age. As a rainbow furry her scales are hardened and very reflective. Her colors, mostly, are a pastel rainbow-ish type with an icy white tinge. Eyes are a deep purple with a yellow pupil and black iris.
Size: Small as a hatchling/Large when fully grown
Wing span: short as a hatchling/long when fully grown
Tail length: short as a hatchling/long when fully grown
Extra powers: Basic ice types
Major no noes: time away from her parents (the king and queen)
Other/Extra: Nope
Owner: QueenPoisonstar

Name: Silver
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Mate: Open later
Crush: Open later
Hatchlings: Open later
Appearance: metallic silver scales that sometimes shin in light. Has a few neon green streaks on his face. Eye color is black whilst his pupils are a light blue
Size: Large
Wing span: normal
Tail length: Large
Extra powers: can spray a weak, stamina draining venom
Major no noes: annoying dragons
Other/Extra: likes exploring
Owner: TheWriterOfMany

Name: Puddle
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Undecided
Mate?: Open later
Crush?: Open later
Hatchlings?: Open later
Appearance: she has mostly gray scales with a bit of teal and white specks and a dark gray spot around her muzzle. She has her father's red eyes.
Size: large
Wing span: long
Tail length: long
Extra powers?: he inherited his dads extra power; black fire, a fire that lets his plasma blast grow much stronger.
Major no noes: don't take him from his father he will smite you.
Other/Extra?: His mother and father are Spitfire and Silverscale
Owner: @RobinStep

Name: Shocked
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mate: Open
Crush: Open
Hatchlings: None
Appearance: his scales have a natural gray mix of different shades almost like a storm cloud
Size: Medium
Wing span: average
Tail length: average
Extra powers: his fire breathing mutated into a very short range lightning
Major no noes: he doesn't like it when warriors think they know better than him, or when people bring up his tail
Other/Extra: when he was very young he was attacked and his tail permanently damaged grounding him
Owner: BeastTamer1252

Expecting mother-
Name: Shifter
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mate: Open
Crush: Open
Hatchlings: Tipsy
Appearance: her eyes are a deep shade of blue, her scales are black but can appear blue or red depending on the angle of the sun. She has a couple of scars on her back and neck
Size: small
Wing span: Long
Tail length: Long
Extra powers: none
Major no noes: arrogant dragons and ones that disrespect the king or queen
Other/Extra: none
Owner: Calmwillow


Future Name: Tipsy
Future Gender: Female
Future Sexuality: Bisexual
Mate: Open later
Crush: Open later
Hatchlings: Open later
Future Appearance: she has black scales that can appear golden in the sun and pale green eyes
Future Size: Large
Future Wing span: Long
Future Tail length: long
Future Extra powers: she sneezes gold dust that stings others eyes
Future Major no noes: none
Future Other/Extra: none
Owner: @RobinStep

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