Chapter 1: Harry (Jr.) P.O.V.

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Hey Ya'll! Before we get started I just want you guys to know I didn't write Harry Potter or One Direction! Enjoy your read! Avada Kadava!


         *Sigh* I wish things around here were different. All anyone from around these parts know me as is the son of the boy who lived. Yeah, he lived! Big whoop! We all do it! I just want them to see me for the real me instead of for my dad. 

"OI BROV OO DO YOU TINK YOU AH" I hear shouted across the room. I look over and there he is, my crush, timothy chalmee shout across the cafeteria. Me and timotee usually don't get along, but I can't help but look into his smoldering pale blue eyes. He's sucha  catch, UGH, I'm gonna die! 

         "Shut up Charmander! You suck mandrakes!" I shout back in retaliation. Who do I think I am? Who does he think he is? It's rumored he has blood relation to Voldemort. He's like an emo Regina George, "On Wendsday's we wear black" type. So hot- I MEAN GROSS! 

"Ugh! I can't stand him!" I say to my best friend and roommate Liam on our way to Potions class with Professor Cowell. "He really snatches snitch, you know?!" I exclame.

 "Actually, I think he's an okay guy. I saw him feeding the griffins the other day. He seemed almost... human" replies Liam calmly. 

"EW! How could you think that that monster Timmy would ever have a soul?" I say back passionately. 

         Suddenly, I hear a gasp behind me. I turn around to face the culprit. It is none other than Timothee himself. I was going to tell him to fuck off, but then I saw a shine in his pale blue eyes. Is he... upset? Man, I didn't mean to upset him. 

''Hey timathee I didn't mean-" 

       "Shut it styles. We all know you're only here because of your father! Just get away from me you freak!" He takes me by the collar of my shirt and for a split second I thought he was going to kiss me, but then he socks me right in the mouth! 

        Blood gushing from my pouty bottom lip, a fury rises inside of me ad I can't help but  to start throwing punches back. I don't remember much of the fight, all I can recall are my bloody fists coliding with his almost delicate body. Punches after punches after punches later, we hear a boom from down the hall 

"What do you boys think you're doing!?! My office. NOW!" shouts Professor McGonnalal in cat form. Oh boy. This won't be fun...

        Fast forward, me and good ole Tim are sitting side by side in Professor McGonnagal office. The light shiny room places such a stark contrast on me and Ttimethee's dark expressions. 

"Sit and contemplate what you've done. I'll be back in a moment," she says and quickly paces out of the room.

         Me and Timmy look at each other and immediately look away. God, this is awkward. I start coming back to my body and realize all the damage. My face feels swollen, my hands are on fire, and I think I feel blood coming out of one of my ears, which is never a good sign. I glance over at Tomothee. He looks just as bad. He has at least one black eye and a split lip. His shirt is actually torn a little bit, showing off his toned chest that has a few red raised scratches on it. I noticed when we were walking in here he was limping a little bit. Must have got him good. 

God... I feel bad. I called him some horrible things, and he said them back to me too, but only because I provoked him. I should apologize. My mom taught me better. 

"...Hey Timo?"

"...why are you calling me that? Don't call me that!" 

He looks up at me and makes eye contact. When his pale blue eyes meet my green shining orbs, I know that it's now or never. 

"Sorry! sorry. I just wanted to say sorry for the name calling. It was wrong of me to talk to you like that. Or about you like that. We don't even really know each other that well... I'm sorry" I say with a tone of finality and look away and to my feet. 

I hear shuffling beside me and a scoff. I glance over quickly to see Timo (I'm gonna call him that, it's cute) shaking his head and squinting his eyes. He seems to be in deep contemplation. I look back away and wait for a response. Finally, I hear him shift in his chair towards me to respond.

"Potter, everything I need to  know about you I already know. I know your dad named you after himself which is pathetic. I know you're not  full blood and are just pretending to appease the masses. I know more about you than you will ever think. So don't tell me we don't know each other well. You just need to start paying attention." He says with full concentration on my face and a fire in his eyes. 

How... how does he know? Nobody knows about my mom. No one. Not even Liam. Is he stalking me? I got to open my mouth and ask these question but in walks Professor McGonagal with the nurse. Both have arms full of medical supplies and it seems to me like we'll be needing them. They both get to work trying to repair the damages on both me an timotees bodies. After a long, grueling hour of having to be have naked sitting next to the body who knows more about me than anyone else at this school, I stand and ask McGonagal if I can be excused. 

"We are not done here Mr. Styles. We need to dish out punishments," she says with her usual stern tone. 

I sigh and sit back down next to timtom, who doesn't  seem bothered at all by he current situation, which irks me to no end. 

"You boys, from this Saturday till the end of the year, will be in charge of cleaning the dining hall after every dinner." I get ready to protest, but I am then silenced with a sturdy glare. "This is non negotiable. We here at Hogwarts have a no fighting policy. You're lucky to have not gotten expelled."

I shut my mouth and look at Titomee. He seems as flabbergasted as I am by the news. I look back at McGonallagal, who is now behind her desk writing. 

"Meet Professor Flitwick at the doors at the end of the meal. He will instruct you on where to begin. You are excused." she says and uses her hand to motion for us to leave. 

Titme and I both get up and head to the giant double door. Before we split into opposite directions to go to our separate common rooms, his being Slytherin and mine being Gryffindor, I stop him. 

"Oh my Merlin, what do you want?" He exclaims with a fire in his heart. 

"...Why do you hate me?"  I say, expressing all the confusion and sadness that this day has caused me. 

I see him untense and soften up a little. He eyes me up in down, grabs my arm, and says in the softest voice I've ever hear him use.

"I don't hate you"

And then he's gone into the night, rushing back to his underground common room while I head to mine in the tower. "I don't hate you"? Really. BLAH! I need to sleep this day off. I am shook.  


Hope you guys enjoyed it! What do you think will happen next chapter? Let me know in the comments! Have a Patronus day!

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2020 ⏰

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