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"So, what happened?" Chanhee asked. It was kind of cute how insistent he was on finding out why i was upset. 

"Well...i don't know if you know but Kevin and I live with our aunty, and she hates me - well maybe not hate but she excludes me from the family and favours Kevin and Anna. I thought I could take it, but she is just such a bitch. It doesn't help that Kevin uses this to his advantage...he doesn't have any empathy. It's all because they're both accomplished and successful whilst i'm still at university,"

Chanhee was unexpectedly quiet and a great listener. For once, there were no sarcastic comments or interjections. He just listened, before he began to speak. 

"Ok, first of all...i don't think your aunty hates you as much as you think...she's family. and perhaps it's because you're young - you can't help not having accomplished much, you're still at university so you aren't qualified yet...and Kevin was just like you when he was at university. In fact, we had pretty much exactly the same conversation as now. I have no doubt that she'll come around if you talk to her and tell her about your achievements. she will love you...even if you are a byuntae," chanhee laughed. 

"well, choi...i got to say, I wasn't expecting you to care,"

"what gave you that idea?" he smirked. 

i laughed playfully, as chanhee burst out laughing too. "I got to go. here's my number...because I know you want it," he smirked, writing his number on my arm and winking before jogging away.

he was actually a lot sweeter than i thought - and now that he was my "friend", there was more of an excuse to talk to him. 

When i arrived home i entered chanhee's number into my phone and saved his contact, smiling to myself. 


 yo there chingu,, thank you for today :) 


yo there byuntae. ur welcome ;)

my heart was beating a little faster as i read his reply. he was so flirty and he called me a byuntae? wtf?

i could practically see his smirk as i read his message for the seventh time, before a knock was heard at my door. 

"come in!" i shouted, as the door opened to reveal kevin. 

"oh...it's you,"

"i just wanted to say i'm sorry. i know i'm an idiot. i just wanted to get back at you for flirting with chanhee...and i was trying to be a good brother,"

"FLIRTING? as soon as i go near any boy who isn't you, you immediately assume that i'm flirting - this is why i have no friends or boyfriends...if you want to be a good brother, stop being so overprotective, and stop annoying me - i.e taking my clothes from me and running into the men's room in public!"

"i..i'm sorry, lex. i just love you, and i want the best for you,"

"i know you do...but that's why you need to leave me alone sometimes and let me figure things out for myself,"

byuntae - choi chanheeWhere stories live. Discover now