Chapter One

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Another  Dilemma

It been so long I came here I miss this place already , even if it just a week, coming from a week family  vacation  it like  three months  in lost Country. It being three days since school resumption  huff, what a load of duties waiting for me. Some pips think it great joy escaping three days of mental prison, not for me of cause not for one of you either missing  school  a day is like spending a whole  week with out eating  chocolate, Yeah some might endure  some might  survive  not me I might  die.

Begin the  nerdy brown long hair school  president and my final year in high school before going to college, it a great responsibility for  me and am glad to handle it without sweat and regret. speaking of sweat and regret apart from sweat better play a game  of avoiding an angry  bear walking  around ready to the school  ready to devour  her victim with her mouth oops I don't like how it sound.

Walking into the quiet building, of which within few hours it will be filled with bunch of kids categories, I call them that hope you don't  steal my ideal,Cause if you do well who cares.

Reaching my locker to  take and keep few books and leaving it closed with my first period  note and my novel of with grandma bought  for me during  this past family  vacation. It family  tradition to reunite having  a number of six children  making up  a whole  of extended  family and a giant food table and a pleasant  eye catching  garden for the hole family. What a Great  reunion.

Walking  past some classes  and teachers  office ,  you know my next destination principal  of writing  bold on his door. Mr squid hum, I... I.. Mean Mr Smith as if he can hear my thought, mentally  rolling  my eyes. I call him Mr squid cause he fit perfectly  with the character  in sponge Bob too formal.

'Oh  Pamela that you principal  your talking about '  my angel mind said.
,' It doesn't  matter '  evil mind now with a 

Knocking  on his  office door, while his so easily  Mr squid/Smith home  is just five away and his punctual  and self discipline one or two mistake in school  on Mr Smith angry  swift  mood you fired a detention for students  like me and arrange  you desk for our teachers. So strict.

"coming in miss Pamela" so formal, opening the door and closing it behind me facing a early 50 years old man style hair shaved beard and a casual  office dress.

Just as he said I did sitting of of his office  chair facing directly to him  in silence. You don't  expect me to describe  his office do you?

"I presume  it the end of your little family  vacation, you have miss three days in school  and you know their is a duty  in your shoulder and a lot in your plate miss Pamela" his eyes till glazing through his laptop  while talking and me just three days oh my I can't  imagine  how today will end up as.
"there are few things  you have to do before going to class " bring out some file in his drawer. "

"Here please distribute them to the teachers since my secretary is yet to come to school"

I reach out to collect few bunch of file before heading  out of the office.

"I know miss  Pamela  you never forget  your primary  duties in the school "

" Yes sir" 

I reply sharply  carrying this load of files  I walked  out of his office  now the school  is quite fill with students  heading  to teachers office,

' how could he say that, why would  he as if a guy with come unexpected  and make a stumbling  block in my academic or a group  of bad boys or girls  will blindfold my eyes with there crazy life style .

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