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1. If one - two contestants is late for the attendance before 2pm, I will still post the prompt for the final round at exactly 2 pm. You have 3 hours to make a graphic cover.

2. But if we have three contestants failed to take the attendance then we have to wait for them until 3 pm, and I'll post the prompt at 3. 

Comment "present" beside your username for final checking, checking?? Hahahahaha

01 | eurybia-

02 | stellxto

03 | Amochichi

04 | Shadhoes

05 | _Serendipitae_

06 | MizzyFantasia

07 | heiraseo

If we started at 2 pm, then the expected deadline will be at 5 pm, PH TIME. One point will deduct from your final score if you passed one hour late.

Final prompt hint: Alice.

❝ 𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐧 ❞; a graphic contest [CLOSE]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon