Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

A couple weeks later, Robert was sitting in his classroom, at the academy, trying to make sure he hadn't missed any of his paperwork as Andy started her next round of classes. Calida was curled up in his lap, eating her puffs while he was doing his paperwork. He looked up as he heard the door open and close. He was only slightly surprised to see his best friend, Lucas Ripley. Their friendship had been strained when Robert had blamed Lucas for his wife's death. It was only after him and Andy had gotten together that they had started to rebuild their friendship.

"Hey, figured I would bring you and the little lady lunch," Lucas said as Cali reached for him. He picked her up, making her red and black tutu, with the words 'future firefighter' written on her shirt, glitter in the light.

"Thanks man." Robert said putting his papers to the side and splitting the food.

"So, any words on where you're going after this?" Lucas asked.

"Shouldn't you know that?"

"Well I've heard possibilities. One would put you at 23 with Jackass Deweese or you would be promoted to lieutenant and working at 19, same as Andy when she's done."

"You know what my answer is going to be," Robert said with a smirk handing a fry out to Cali

"I know, I already put the paperwork for you. Have you had the guts to tell Pruitt that you're playing instant family with his daughter and granddaughter?"

"Not yet. We're going to have him over soon."

"I would do it sooner than later, give him time to adjust to it before you're both at 19." he said.

That night Robert and Cali were at home, in their apartment, while Andy was attending one of her night fire classes.

"Let's see if this box has your blocks in it." Robert said to Cali who was sitting on the floor across from him. With his and Andy's schedules they hadn't been able to unpack all of her toys, so he was spending the night attempting to unpack the boxes. Problem was that, at that moment, Cali really wanted her blocks.

"Nope that has your firetrucks." He said getting the variety of trucks out, Cali quickly grabbing them. He grabbed another box and opened it, finding even more firetrucks.

"Kid, we need to sort out your firetrucks." Robert said with a laugh because he noticed some trucks in the box were the same as those she already had on the ground in front of her. He set that box to the side and grabbed another one.

"Success! Found your blocks." He said tipping the box and letting the blocks fall onto floor, causing the baby to giggle. Cali quickly grabbed for them and started placing them together. While Cali played Robert pulled more of the toy boxes over to him and started going through them, unloading the toys. A couple hours later he had finished emptying the boxes of toys in the living room. He was now packing some of them to Cali's bedroom when he heard the knock on their door. He quickly put the toys he was packing in Cali's room. He crossed back into the living room and glanced back to make sure she was still playing with her blocks before he opened the door.

"Can I help you?" He asked when he opened the door. He knew who was standing in front of him, but he wasn't letting on that he did.

"I need to see Andy," stated the man who he knew was Calida's biological father.

"She isn't here. If you leave me your number, I'll let her know."

"No, I need to see her." He said.

"Why? You haven't had time for that the last several months." Robert asked.

"You don't know anything about it" He said. Robert was saved from replying by Andy appearing behind Ryan.

"What the hell are you doing here Ryan?" Andy asked.

"I want Cali."

"You're not getting her. I can't even rely on you to show up when you're supposed to." Andy said stepping around Ryan and standing by Robert.

"That's what you think, Bitch." Ryan said turning and walking away.

"Are you okay?" Robert asked, wrapping his arms around her after they shut and locked the door.

"I am now that I'm home, with you and Cali," She said as she picked Cali up, making the little girl squeal in the process.

"Why does it look like Toys'R'Us threw up in here?" She asked looking at the living room.

"After I spent 45 minutes looking for blocks, I decided to unpack most of her toys." Robert said as Andy walked over to him and kissed him.

"You're a great daddy to her. We're both lucky to have you." Andy said, which made Robert smile at her as she walked down the hallway.
As he watched them disappear down the hall, he listened to Cali's chatter, Andy replying to her as if they were having a conversation. He thought that, after Claire, he would never get a shot at a family, or a shot at being a dad, and then Andy and Cali came crashing into his life.
"Thank you, Claire," he whispered to the empty space. He truly believed that Claire had put his girls on his path. With that thought in mind, he followed them down the hall.

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