I feel quite well rested and comfortable and relaxed for some reason... it's 3.p.m. right now, I'm in a big ass Nirvana t-shirt and some denim shorts contemplating going to the beach for a little while...

I get out of my room and make my way to the living room.

"I'm here mom, why did y-- What?" 

Holy shit.

Oh my God.

I literally just jumped on the spot.


What the fuck is Harry doing in my living room with my mom?

"Blue, Harry here came by to see you... You should've presented us already..." My mom says smiling at Harry and he smiles right back at her.

What in the fuck is going on right now?

"Yeah..." I say not really knowing what else to say.

I'm very confused right now. And also kind of pissed.

First day of him knowing where I live and he is already inside somehow... Why did my mom let a stranger in? She has no idea who he is.

What if he was lying and he actually didn't know me?

Well, I guess it's quite hard to say no to that face... I'm not so bad at it, but I gather most people are.

"Hi." He says sounding shy but smirking.

Irritating asshole, I want to slap the smirk out of his face.

He is dressed in a white t-shirt tugged inside of his big red flowy pants and white vans. 

Why is he always dressed so fucking well? 

Look at me! I'm dressed in a thrifted t-shirt I got for like two dollars last year.

"I'm gonna leave you two to talk now. It was very nice to meet you, Harry." My mom says giving Harry one last smile.

"It was my pleasure, Olivia." He says and she leaves the room.

He called my mom by her name? What did I miss?

"Your mom is so much nicer than you are." He says as soon as she leaves the room as he runs his fingers through his hair.

Stop looking hot, it's frustrating, you smirky piece of shit.

"Well, tell me something I don't already know." I say and sit down on the sofa and he watches my actions carefully, awkwardly standing there. "You can sit down, if you want to."

"Thanks." He says sitting down by my side with a smile.

Something about him and his fancy ass sitting in my tiny sofa is so hilarious.

"Remember yesterday when you said you wouldn't stalk me? Well... not sure you're doing that great of a job... You're in my house." I tell him and he laughs.

Oh, don't laugh, it's quite concerning.

"Yeah... I'm? Sorry? I guess?" He says still giggling.

"Yeah. You should be." I tell him giving him a little laugh.

Just a small one, you know? I don't want him to think we're best friends. 

We sit there smiling at each other for a few seconds before it gets a little too awkward quiet for my liking.

"So... you're here because..?"

Harry seems to snap out of whatever reality he was in when he blinks repeatedly before starting to speak. "Oh, right... I came here to bring you your motorcycle... I fixed it... Well... I didn't fix it, but I had it fixed... so... now it's fixed and it's outside. Yeah. I hope you don't mind."

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