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New Story! Hope you like it. This may have slow updates till I finish my current two books, check them out if you haven't! Xx

Harry's lets a long sigh flow pass his cherry red lips as he punches in his clock in number into the computer, grabbing an apron and making his way to the kitchen.

He's greeted with the morning shift cooks soft smile before giving him a run down of the day and wishing him good luck before they make their way to the front to clock out.

Harry was one of the three, night shift. cooks in a somewhat popular restaurant, he worked anywhere from four to five days a week. His goal is to save enough to move out with his best friend, Niall. Sadly his minimum wage rate was just not cutting it, neither was Niall's who worked at a fast food place only a few minutes down the road.

"Hey, mate. You're early" Calvin, the other cook, pops out from the back swinging an arm around Harry's shoulders.

"Yeahh, woke up before my alarm so just came on in" Harry shrugs with a laugh. His normal shifts are closings sometimes he's here as late as 2am, depends on how busy the day, and that will result in him sleeping until his shift the next day.

"Is he here yet?" Harry bites his lip, glancing around the kitchen just waiting for the owners son to step foot in.

"I haven't seen him in here but I saw his car outside, probably shagging a waitress" Calvin snickers and Harry agrees.

Both boys are confident that Louis has shagged every waitress that works here. His father has money, so of course Louis gets a small portion of that; making every girl fall his feet, hoping they could get spoiled by the rich man himself.

Louis only managed to earn a job here because his father owns the entire business and plans on passing it down to Louis. However, Louis on the other hand would rather spend his nights out partying and getting wasted while spending money he shouldn't.

Since Louis' dad was everybody's boss, almost every employee had some type of fear over him, afraid he would be the cause of them not having a job. Everyone except Harry. Harry knew that Louis wasn't anything special, just a snobby rich boy who lives off his daddy's money, always has his nose stuck in the air, always making his two fellow cooks work ten times harder because he refuses too.

"Speak of the Devil" Harry mumbles to Calvin nudging the boys shoulder. They both turn to find Louis finally entering the kitchen looking unprepared as usual. Harry grumbles and rolls his eyes continuing to finish setting up for the night, wanting this shift to fly by like always.

"Looks like it's us three together yet again" Louis laughs grabbing one of the stools from the corner of the room, plopping down on it and pulling out his phone.

"Sadly that seems to be the case. How about you actually work this time?" Harry gives a sarcastic smile wiping his hands on his apron as he turns to face the snobby boy.

"Oi! Feisty as always I see huh?" Louis chuckles and only glances up at Harry but never fully removes his eyes from his phone screen.

"Just ignore him. Not that hard" Calvin whispers. Both boys laughing comes to an end as the bell rings and a slip of paper is slid to them with an order on it.

"Got an order boys" The waitress, Amelia, calls out her eyes glancing over to her bosses son just casually scrolling on his phone. "Ah, I see. Good luck"

Harry and Calvin nod at her before beginning to make the food, making sure it was made perfect to the t. No matter how specially odd the customer requested.


The last hour of the shift was usually the most fun, normally dead and that gave the boys an extra hour to catch up on their closing duties and even go home sooner than planned.

"Hey, I'm gonna take a quick smoke break while it's dead" Calvin calls out to Harry walking out the back door once he receives a nod. Harry collects a few more plates and making his way back to the sink, carefully dropping them into water. He didn't need more plates breaking over him.

"Last hour, not much longer yeah?" Harry nearly jumps out of his skin at the sudden voice, practically the only sound in the restaurant. He turns to reach for a dry washcloth, quickly drying his hands

"Oh come on now. Don't be like that" Louis pushes off from his spot against the wall. The older steps over the Harry gently tugging the towel from the boys hands and holding it above his head.

"Like what Louis? Where have you been for the past two hours huh?" Harry grumbles and looks up at the towel knowing it was way out of his reach.

"Here of course, where else would I be?" Louis smirks as Harry weakly attempts to reach for the towel but his lack of height not helping.

"I don't have time for this" Harry sighs giving up with the towel and pushing back Louis. He wipes his hands on his thighs to finish drying them off on his way back to the kitchen to clean up in there.

"Don't ruin the fun" Louis tosses the towel at Harry where it lands on the boys head, covering his eyes. Harry groans loudly, ripping the towel from his head and throwing it back at Louis.

"Will you just go off to wherever you've been for the past two hours?" Harry turns his back to Louis.

With a roll of his blue eyes Louis makes his way back outside, passing a cigarette smelling Calvin who was on his way in. Louis' face scrunches in disgust at the smell, he will never smoke, cigarettes that it, tried one once and coughed so hard he almost puked. He'll just stick to w.eed.

The rich boy opens the office door that was locked but luckily he grabbed the keys from Harry's locker when the boy wasn't paying attention, yes Louis could get his own pair but he's never here so what's the point.

Louis takes a seat right in front of the security cameras after shutting the door, it would be quite embarrassing to be caught watching your coworker. Louis uses one hand to guide the mouse and click on the specific room Harry was in, clicking on the square and zooming in on the younger boy.

"Such a cutie" Louis mumbles to himself twisting his bottom lip between his fingers.

"Oh how I can't wait to make you mine, little one"

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