It hurts

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She was happy, good and awake until she got home to see James cooking you should read the bio
"Hey, jam." She faked a smile.
He nodded in response, ever since she saw all the messages from other girls on his phone Isabel couldn't see him the same. The fun, flirt, cute person he was. It hurt her...

"How was work?" He interrupted her thoughts.
"good good. Mrs Blackwood made a pei if you want any.."She was ready to tell him she new.
"I want a divorce!"She blurted out
James stood still and stopped what he was doing
"I just saw the-"
She stood scared for a second he new she was scared of shouting
"You've been cheating on me....WE'VE BEEN MARRIED 3 YEARS."

A few weeks went by and Isabel was miserable

She sat alone on the couch
I'm her spears time she cried alone
Her friends invited her out but she couldn't bring herself to go out other that wen she MUST

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