that night (part very light lemon like not even lemon)

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Sonic still

No why did I agree to get I bed with her what am I supposed to do

"Ssonic?" Amy said slightly curious

"Yeah what's wrong Amy" sonic whispered

"Nothing just making s-sure your s-still there" Amy said kinda happily
In Amy's mind wow he really did lay down with me

"D-d-d-do you want m-me to" sonic stuttered

"Do what s-s-sonic" Amy pried

"To hold you" sonic gasped out that part

"You can" Amy said almost begging
Amy's mind why is he being like this why

With hearing this sonic wrapped his arms around Amy and he felt her sorta jump

"What's wrong Amy"

"Nothing just didn't expect that"

"Hey Amy will you turn around please" he closed his eyes and felt Amy turn he open them and they were looking into each others eyes with their snouts touching

"Why s-s--" she didn't get to finish because as soon as sonic almost heard his name he kissed Amy

They held that kiss for awhile and all that happend in that time was Amy kiss back and they just have a fight over power and passion

"Did you not expect that either" sonic said teasingly at Amy looking into her eyes

"Do expect this" Amy said as she kissed his chest and played with his (cough cough wink wink) and began stroking him

"Amy I don't feel comfortable with this I don't know if this is becaaaauusssee you want to or because you feel looonnlly from shadow leaving you" managed in between pleasure spots

Amy seemed like she has practiced he thought

"But you know I have liked you" Amy said sadly

"Yes but you've not done anything like this and youbjust got dumped so I don't know what is going on up here" he said kissing her forehead

"So now what then" Amy asked sadly

"Easy" he turned Amy and held her

"We go to sleep"

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