How are you? (#1)

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I walked down the sidewalk as the rain poured around me.

I stared at the paved pathway with a saddened expression, I had figured out just minutes before that someone that I looked up to for years had passed from cancer.

I continued to walk until I had accidentally bumped into someone, I fell to the ground.


I rubbed my head.

I heard what seemed to be the person I bumped into, he had a Norwegian accent to my surprise.

"Uh, sorry..."

I looked up to see a man with a red hoodie that looked to be my age, 22, he held his hand out to help me up.

"You just gonna stare or...?"

I apologized and took his hand.


He was a little bit taller than me so I had to tilt my head up a little. He just looked at me.

"Yeah, no problem"

I squinted.


I then poked his face.


I blinked

"Sorry, you just look kind of familiar"

I shrugged.

"Oh... uh, I use to be part of a YouTube series...."

I jumped a little.

"Yeah, that's right! You're Tord Larsson!!"

He took a step back.

"O-oh, sorry..."

He sighed.

"It's fine, just not so loud please"

I looked down then looked at Tord again.

"Are... are you okay?"


"I'm talking about Edd"

He stayed quiet

. . .

I suddenly started to regret what I said.

He turned around.

"I'm fine..."

He started to walk away.

"W-wait, Tord I-"

He looked back at me.


"...N-nothing, sorry...."

He sighed and walked away.

I stood there in silence for awhile then walked home.

The next day:

I was walking around in London like I was the other day.

I walked by a familiar looking house.

I stopped to examine it.

I knew I had seen the house before but I'm not sure when or from where....

I looked over at the house next to it and saw the same man from yesterday come out of the house, Tord.

I ran over to him over excitedly and tripped...

right in front of him....

and fell on top of him....


How Are You? (Old) (READ DESCRIPTION)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ