"Harry, where are you going?" 

Hermione and Ron looked confused and angry - in that order.

And I didn't have time to watch their drama unfold.

"I'm sorry, but we have to go," I said sharply, tugging Harry's wrist.

"Hey!" Weasley's voice rose in a shaky tone. "Where do you think you're going with our bestfriend, Malfoy?"

"None of your business, Weasley," I snapped, still trying to pull Harry past his best bodyguards. 

"Wherever Harry's going off with you is my business, Malfoy," Weasley hissed, face turning every bit as red as his hair.

I resisted the temptation to pull out my wand and hex him, instead settling for trying to find a way around the both of them.

Hermione was staring at us, confused, before her eyes caught sight of our interlocked hands. She abruptly turned to Ron and put a restraining hand on his chest.

"We have to go, Ron."

He stared at her incredulously. "What?! Hermione - that's Malfoy you're defending!"

She rolled her eyes. "I don't care about him, Ron. What I do care about is the Howler your mom will probably send after she receives another note from Dumbledore about you missing out on Snape's classes."

Weasley turned pale. He glared at me, then shrugged Hermione's hand off. He stood aside, letting Harry and I through. Harry turned around and smiled apologetically to both of his friends.

Hermione smiled back, a little warily, but Weasley's eyes had zeroed-in on our intertwined fingers. 

"WHA -"

Sensing the blow-up, Hermione grabbed the front of Weasley's robes and manually shoved him down the stairs to the DADA classroom.

"See you later, Harry!" Hermione called cheerfully over Weasley's cries of "Geroff me! GEROFF ME!"

I pulled Harry another flight of stairs and we came to an empty corridor. Looking around, his eyes widened.

"The Room of Requirement?" he murmured, and I gave him a curt nod.

We had to go around the corridor three times before the door appeared. I shoved it open and pushed Harry inside. I didn't mean to be rough - not really - but anger does a lot of things to me.

"I take it I'm your hostage now?" Harry said wryly, dropping his bag next to an armchair and sitting down, crossing his legs and looking at me.

I shot him a dirty look before turning away, running my fingers through my hair again. I didn't know where to start - how could I tell him I was some sort of psychic vampire who fed on people's auras? - and I wasn't sure if he would believe me, anyway.

"I really am sorry," Harry whispered, and the sadness in his voice made my heart melt. 

I sighed, turning around. He was looking at me seriously, and I ached to wrap my arms around him and hold him forever.

"It's not your fault," I said, then smiled a little. "Well, it is, a little - you've got very bad timing."

Harry smiled, a half-hopeful one that broke my heart even more - we'd already come so far in the last few hours, and now he looked as if he was losing something very near and dear to him. 

I sighed again and dragged a stool beside his armchair and sat down.

"It's a long story - and you might not believe me." I barked a short, harsh laugh which made him wince. "In fact, you might just punch me in the face, call me an asshole, and storm out of the room."

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