Chapter 2: On the fence

Start from the beginning

As he started to fill up his balloon in the water fountain I looked to Shawn and Elijah. We all nodded and pulled out our water guns and aimed them to Cory. "Like everyone's gonna have a humongous water gun," Cory said before turning around.

He was left facing every kid in the cafeteria aiming a giant water gun at him, "How are ya?" He asked before we started spraying him.

"AHH! AHH! STOP! I'LL GET ONE! I PROMISE! OH, MY G--," He paused before he continued to scream.

"I'LL GET ONE! STOP! I PROMISE!" Cory yelled.

We quickly noticed Mr. Feeny walk in and hid our water. Cory, who was drenched in water stood there.

Mr. Feeny set his tray on an empty table, walked to the water fountain, and examined Cory. "Mr. Matthews, the drinking fountain is no a toy," He told Cory before taking a drink, flicking his mustache and walking away.


I was in the kitchen doing my homework at the table when dad walked in. "Hi, Hon. What's horrible?" He asked my mom

"Hmm. The plumbing in the boys' bathroom is leaking again," She said before kissing dad.

"I'm on it," He said.

As he walked to the cabinets to get his tools he ruffled my hair and tickled Morgan. I smiled before continuing to do my work.

"You are an amazing guy," My mom told him

Cory came downstairs just as dad was going to fix his toilet, "Hey, Dad, how about some quality time with your son?" Cory asked obviously wanting something. I know my brother very well. In fact, we used to be womb-mates.

Get it, roommates, wombmates? No, ok then. "I can't. I'm spending some quality time with your toilet," Dad said before heading upstairs.

"But you just got home from work," Cory exclaimed

"Well, maybe if you and Eric didn't poop so much you might get to spend time with him," I said to Cory, who glanced in my direction.

"Hi, mom. Wow, dinner smells terrific, and that thing you're wearing is really lovely," Cory complimented

I shook my head at the boy and turned around to watch this play out. "What is that, a dress?" He asked

"Oh, Cory, what a lovely and sincere compliment, and I just know that you wouldn't spoil it by asking me for something," Mom told Cory

"Eerie how she always knows, huh?" Eric asked

"What do all women have antennas hidden somewhere on their bodies?" Cory asked then looked to me and I nodded

"I don't know. None of them will let me look," Eric said. I raised my eyebrow at him and he shrugged in response.

"Look. Ok, look, say you're in the kitchen and the living room burst in flames." Cory explained

"Why?" Morgan asked.

"I don't know. Maybe lightning hit it." Cory answered

"Why?" Morgan asked

"Because it was attracted by the metal plate in your head," Cory said

"And you can't escape 'cause your legs are broken. What will you do?" Cory asked

"Why are her legs broken?" Morgan asked

"Because she tripped over your dead body," Cory told her

"Cory, spit it out. What do you want?" She asked

"Just a water gun. You know, so you can put out that fire in the living room," Cory told her

𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃, 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐖𝐍 ( shawn hunter x fem!reader )Where stories live. Discover now