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I didn't sleep after that. I can't. All I did was roll around my bed and cocooned myself with my blankets. What happened at Kuroo's room kept on repeating in my head like an HD movie whenever I closed my eyes.

My lips tingle. I can still feel the warmth and softness that Kuroo's lips left on mine. Kuroo kissed me. Kuroo was my first kiss. My blood rushed to my face producing an angry blush.

I like Kuroo. Hell, I even think I love him. But I never expected this to happen. Kuroo was never gay. Neither am I. Or maybe I was since I like Kuroo but I never like anyone except him so I guess that's not counted. We were both guys so I already know from the start that all this was futile. I accepted it already. We're never meant to be. We're supposed to be friends forever. Or so I thought.

I brushed my hands on my face irritatingly. Why did he do that? I want to punch Kuroo's face so much. I was fine with being friends with him before and then he kissed me and ruined everything. How am I supposed to face him now without feeling awkward?

Urrghhh.. I blame the alcohol! That's why I never wanted to have a taste of it and also because my mom told me not to. Alcohol make people do stupid shits.

All I can do now is to hope that Kuroo will forget about what happened. But, do I really want him to forget? Forget about the kiss? Now, that would be painful. But if the mere memory of that incident will ruin our friendship, then I'd rather have him forget everything about it than losing him.

Oh, damn. I'm such a masochist.


Then the dreaded Monday came which is inevitable, I know. But I was still thankful of the two days that I didn't have to face Kuroo. I had the chance to calm myself and to think about the situation carefully.

There's a ninety-percent probability that Kuroo will forget about that night. He was drunk. But if with that ten percent possibility Kuroo will still remember, I can reason to him that he was drunk, that he wasn't thinking rationally that night because the spirit of alcohol took over his mind and body.

I can tell him it was fine, I understand and that we can forget about it. Even if I don't really want to.

Oh god I'm so conflicted.

Ah, the hell with it. Let's get this over and done with. I braced myself to go to school.


"Bye, hun. Have fun at school, I love you."

Mom kissed me on my cheeks before I got off of her car and watch it disappear on the school grounds. I headed straight to my locker to get my books. I was all ready to go to my first class when I heard his voice calling me.


This is it. The moment of truth.

I turn around to face him, trying my best to act normal despite the nervous thumping of my heart. God, I missed him. "Hey." I greeted when he stopped in front of me.

He didn't answer. Instead, he stared at me with this unreadable look on his face. He was looking at me so intently like he's reading my mind. Holy shit. Did he remember? I'm starting to panic now.

"W-what?" I tried to snap at him.

He blinked, then frown. "Huh?"

"You're staring at me." I glared.

"Oh." He blushed then scratched the back of his neck and sheepishly smiled. It made him look so cute. Jesus Christ. Don't blush in front of me, dumbass. "Sorry. I hadn't slept well last night."

"Hung over that much?" I asked before I can even stop myself. Shit! I mentally slapped my face. Why do I even have to bring that up!? This guy's idiocy is rubbing off me. Ughhh..

"Nah." he shrugged.

I forced back a shudder when he put his arms on my shoulder and dragged me with him to his own locker. I watched him as he stuffed his things inside it.

"Hey, I want to ask you something." He said, shutting his locker closed then the next thing I knew his face is in front of me, so dangerously close that I felt my face heat up as I remember the last time we were in this same fucking position. "You weren't there when I woke up."

"T-that's not a question."

"I know. And I don't care."

Holy packing sheet. I can't breathe. "Uhh.." I averted my eyes. "My.. My mom called me for an emergency, so I, uh... just went home after you... a-after you... fell asleep." Damn. I'm blabbering.

He straightened up and I literally sighed in relief. "Oh? Is that so?"


He crossed his arms in his chest. He's a foot taller than me but with this position, he seemed tallerer than me. Wait. Was that even a word? Ugh... mind, please work properly! "What emergency then?" he asked, looking down on me, his eyebrows high up on his forehead.

"Um..." Damn! What should I say? What emergency?

I was already on the brink of giving up when the bell rang, signaling all students to hurry their asses up to their rooms. Oh yes! Saved by the bell! "Ah! Classes are about to start!" I pat his shoulders and smiled triumphantly "Laters, Kuroo!" Then I rushed to my first class leaving him behind.


Kuroo doesn't remember. Or maybe he does and he's just pretending just like me. Oh well. Works fine with me then. It's easier that way.

Or maybe not.

Oh come on, self! Just be happy you still have him as a friend.

But maybe that was his subconscious answer to my feelings. He's pretending it didn't happen because he's too grossed out to even think about it. I felt my heart sank.


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