Chapter 13 Fast Recovery

Start from the beginning

"What should we do?" Leo was worried about Ryan. 

"You go down and eat your breakfast. I need to make a call." Liam walked back to his room and slammed it shut, while Leo ran back down the stairs towards the dinning room where Selena was sitting down her chair looking bored. 

"Onee-San! Liam-nii can't join us for breakfast." Leo catched his breath and slumped down his seat. 

"Eh? Why so?" She tilted her head to the side in confusion. 

"Ryan-nii's not in his room and I think Liam-nii's trying to find him." Leo drank the glass of water in front of him in one gulp. 

"Huh? Ryan-nii's gone?" Selena's eyes widen in surprise. 

"Uhuh." Leo started eating his plate of bacon and eggs. 

"How come?!" She sounded concern. Leo just shrugged his shoulders and continued on munching down his breakfast. Selena stopped questioning him and started eating her own breakfast. 

"Where did Ryan-nii go?" the thought kept on lingering on her mind. As the two of them continued on eating Liam suddenly entered the dining room wearing a business suit and carrying a suit case. 

"Where you going Liam-nii?" Selena asked his brother as he sat down his chair. 

"I'm have a meeting." he looked at his cup and found it empty, he asked Selena to pour him some black coffee. 

"With who?" Selena asked while pouring down some coffee onto Liam's mug. 

"Someone important." he answered shortly then drank his coffee in one gulp. 

"I'll come back this afternoon." Liam then stood up and walked out the dining room. 

Before Selena could ask anything, Liam slammed the front door already. Selena sighed then started to wash their dishes.

"Née-san I'm gonna step out for a bit." Leo said from the living room. 

"Where are you going?" Selena asked her while wiping her hands. 

"Um... Somewhere. I'll be back for dinner." before Selena could ask again Leo had already left the house leaving Selena all alone. 

"Well, it doesn't seem that anyone in this house will listen to me." Selena rolled her eyes and sighed. 

Selena continued on her chores. Starting with vacuuming the living room, then wiping the staircase and dusting off the dust from shelves and figurines. 2 hours have passed and she was done. She returned the cleaning tool to the closet and she washed her hands, then she heard a grumbling sound. 

"Looks like I'm hungry." She laughed inwardly and walked towards the fridge. As she opened it, her face showed a sad expression. 

"Will all the commotion going on, it looks like we forgot to do some grocery shopping." She sighed once again and hurriedly walked up the stair, entering her room. 

"Since no one will be here until 3 in the afternoon... I'll just do some shopping." Selena changed her clothes into something comfortable and headed on out. What she wore was a simple plain pink v-neck tee with a black vest, then she wore a simple Jean colored skirt reaching her mid thigh. For her shoes she wore a pair of pink flats. She also placed her Hair in a messy side bun. She applied little amount of make-up and gloss. 

"Yosh. All set." She sprayed a little perfume then exit her room, her scent still lingering around. She went out their house without forgetting to lock it, then she returned the key to her pocket. 

Selena walked towards the bus stop and waiting for the bus to arrive. A little while later a little kid and his mother stood beside her, thinking that they would wait for the bus too. As they waited, the little kid saw a butterfly and thought it was pretty. His mom was on the phone so she didn't realize that her son was walking towards the street. The little kid was at the middle, where he heard a very loud honk. He looked to his left and his eyes widened... A car was fast approaching. He was so scared that he couldn't walk away, he just closed his eyes. 

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