Chapter 14 ♛ Sweet Dreams

Start from the beginning

"Okay guys..." Kian clapped his hands together, "First stop is Taco Bell!" He told the viewers.

"What are you going to order?" Jc asked him.

"Crunchy Crispy."

"Why?" Jc eyed him, "Like why can't we order a five beefy layer burrito?" He asked.

"I would be a crunch crispy crip crack crispy crocko, and you would be a five beefy layer burrito." Kian said.

"Five beefy layer burrito." Jc butchered that whole comment.

I eyed the both of them, "What the fuck are you guys even saying?" I asked, causing them to break out into fits of laughter.

"I don't know." Kian answered, "Just use subtitles cause I don't even know what I'm saying either."

"How the fuck am I suppose to put... never mind." I mumbled to myself, not wanting to get a headache from falling down the rabbit hole because of these two.

"Can I just get one thing off the menu?" Jc asked as he turned to the ordering machine, "And honestly, you pick what it is." He told the worker.

"Watch her give you their worst item." Kian chuckled at the thought of that.

"Which is everything on that menu." I mumbled, which they didn't like one bit, "Jeez, I was just kidding." I said, putting my hands up in defense from their deathly looks.

"Yeah, you better be." Jc warned me.

"Not." I mumbled underneath my breath.

"Hey, I heard that!" He said, which I couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, where are we going next?" I asked as he slowly pulled out of the parking lot.

"There's a Popeye's across the street, so let's just go there." Jc answered.

"Are we seriously going to every fast food chain there is?" I asked another question.

"Yup." They both answered at the same time.

"I honestly thought you guys were joking." I mumbled as I leaned towards my open window and stared at the colorful writing on the Popeye's menu.

"Why would we?" Kian asked, chuckling as well.

"Hey, can I get the..." I couldn't even figure out what Jc was even saying to the worker, because it straight up sounded like gibberish.

"Good luck trying to figure out what these idiots are even saying, Andy." I mumbled to myself, cause God knows he needs all the luck he can get.

"Here take it." Kian said before tossing the warm bag onto my lap without any warning.

"Watch it, Lawley." I said through my teeth as I picked up the bag and put it underneath his seat.

"Well start paying attention." He spat at me.

I pulled my thighs against my chest and rested my chin on top of my knees. Even though I was happy to be hanging out with these two, I couldn't help but miss my other friends along with my boyfriend. Maybe I should have just gone with them, it probably wouldn't have been that bad, right? But it's too late now and I'm just going to have to wait until Monday when they get back.

"You're really quiet." Jc pointed out, causing a sigh to leave my lips.

"I think it's cause I'm tired." I explained why my energy was low, "Sorry if I'm ruining the video." I apologize.

"Nah, you're not." He reassured me, "Do you want coffee since we are at Starbucks? Maybe it will help wake you up." He said as he turned to me.

"No, I'm good." I politely declined, "Thank you though."

Player 3.0 ♛ Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now