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I was visiting my good friend Queen Lilith, the queen of a small country called Zephyr. She just gave birth to a beautiful girl who she named Diana Charlotte. "Ray, I'm so glad your here," she said. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Drake is back and he wants to take over the kingdom," she said. "What do you need from me?" I asked. "Take Diana back to Swellview. Don't let her know who she is. She is in danger." She said handing me Diana. "Of course I will raise her like if she is my daughter." I said. She took off her necklace and put it around her neck. "Something for to have of me," she kissed her small head. "The helicopter is ready your majesty," her butler said. "Ray go," She said. "Yes ma'am," I ran to the helicopter and took her back to Swellview. I raised her as a young lady. For her safety we changed her name to Charlotte Rose. I was Captain Man already and had the Man Cave. Schwoz was my amazing best friend he helped raise her. She grew up sassy, smart and not knowing who she truly is. She's now in middle school.

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