2. Finding the way home

Start from the beginning

He opened the door to let me out, but a small dark haired woman darted out of the living room before he could move more. "Arthur dear, why have you been upstairs all day--oh."

She'd noticed me and a soft smile came onto her face. "You must be Aurora, Arthur's told me a lot about you."

"Mu-um." Arthur whined. "Not now, we have to go."

"Have you got your wand?" Mrs Wilde said sternly, and Arthur smacked his head and swore. "Well go and get it! She's underage, she can't defend you both!"

Arthur dashed off with a small smile towards the kitchen, running into the door frame. Sighing, he rubbed his shoulder and began rustling around in the kitchen.

"It's nice to meet you, Mrs Wilde." I said while I played with the fabric in my pocket. "Arthur speaks a lot about you."

He did. When I wasn't having mental breakdowns over an idiot, Arthur always brought up how his mother drew murals of Middle-Earth for him and made the best cookies in the world.

"You can call me Bonnie, dear, I'm not married to that fanatic anymore." She sighed, and I noticed that there were a lot of grey streaks in her hair. "I heard from my son you're both pretty close friends now."

"I'd guess so." I shrugged. "Mostly over the summer. He's been... helping me."

Bonnie smiled. "Such a nice boy... And you seem much nicer than his past boyfriends and girlfriends... People don't always treat him well. So Aurora... whether you want to be his friend or girlfriend... Just don't hurt him. He might smile, but he's been through a lot."

"Got it!" Arthur declared, appearing with wand in hand. He tried twirling it in his fingers but dropped it, a spark hitting the stairs. "Sorry.."

Bonnie tutted but was still smiling. "Just stay safe the both of you... Dementors were spotted not far from here. I'd rather not have to worry about you both--I would like to watch Antiques Roadshow without a phonecall about an attack.."

Arthur gave his mum a quick kiss on the cheek. "Don't panic mum, I can run them over in my car if I have to. I'll be back before Midnight, and then we can watch Silence of the lambs!"

"Okay okay, now get going." Bonnie said, squeezing Arthur's forearm. "Love you."

"Love you too," Arthur said, nudging me out of the house. 

"Oh, and Arthur?" Bonnie called when we were half-way down the drive-way, "I like her."

"Nice to meet you," I waved, and we climbed into the car.

Arthur started off the engine, and we backed out onto the main road. The first portion of the journey went good. We didn't discuss anything sad or serious, we just badly sung along to Michael Jackson and Green Day that kept playing on the radio.

"I'm telling you, Green Day will live forever!" Arthur declared, hitting his fingers against the wheel as we waited in a long traffic queue. "Until at least 2015!"

"That's a long, long way away." I laughed. "There'll be muggles with flying cars by then!"

"I grew up with Cole hanging off my leg with a music book in one hand, I know the future of music." Arthur said firmly.

"Do you play any instruments?" I wondered, staring out onto the packed moterway as the sun slowly began to sink down the sky. "I was too impaitent as a kid--plus there was that time Lacey learned trumpet and hit me over the head with the case."

Arthur started giggling, "That's hilarious!"

"I had concussion!"

"Well you're still here, aren't you?" Arthur grinned. "Nah, but I play piano--Cole kinda forced me into that one--and ukele. I've yet to woo anybody with a ukelele sernade though."

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