15 : Useless Junior

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Chapter 21
Useless Junior

Ai's POV

"Sayaka" I started to shake Sayaka slightly since she wouldn't wake up.

She started to mumble some words I couldn't understand until she started to say them loud enough "I love... you...."

I heaved a deep sigh and made my voice stern "Sayaka if you don't wake up I'm going to throw you off the van..."

"Nnnggghhh... Nani...?" Her eyes slowly flickered open and they were red and overflowing with tears.

Sayaka's POV

because I don't want any of you to know what Ai is thinking •u•

"Nnnggghhh... Nani...?" I flickered my eyes to adjust them to the light outside and I found Ai staring at me

"Why were you crying" what? I placed my finger at the corner and felt a teardrop. I was crying? I hurriedly rubbed the both of my eyes and faced away from him. "A-Are we there yet?"

"No. We're still thousands of kilometers away. Your stomach kept rumbling and I couldn't find peace here at all." I blushed madly and felt his gaze penetrating my form

"I-I'm not even hungry yet..." I slowly faced him and he immediately took the chance to flick my forehead

"O-oww!!! What was that for?!" I held my forehead with my arm and pouted in front of him

"Liar." I looked away again and crossed my arms "I'm not..." And as if right on queue, my stomach rumbled. I blushed a deep scarlet red and covered my face with my bangs "M-maybe just a little then..." I looked back at him and saw him heave a sigh. He rubbed his temples and placed his hand on my head "We're in front of a restaurant. Let's go." He held my hand and escorted me down and we both walked together hand in hand with him in the lead "But Ai, you're not disguised yet..." He continued looking forward not bothering to answer me, fine. I started groaning to keep his attention on me and I could tell he's annoyed since his grip on my hand became tighter. We finally stopped in front of the HUGE glass door with two bodyguards, one on each side. As we got in, my mouth just gaped open. Everywhere I look, there would be famous people. A male waiter led us to a table for two next to a window. We were seated next to each other and in front of us was a flat screen tv. "A-Ai, who'll pay for this..?" He stared blankly at the menu the waiter gave us and didn't answer again. He gave the orders to him and returned the menu. "Ai where are we? Won't the fans just crowd around you?" He rubbed his temples and glared at me "we're at a five star restaurant owned by president. Fans can't get in her, do you get it now?" I gulped and nodded "h-hai!! B-but... Who's going to pay for what we eat..?" This time, he really just ignored me and waited for our food. I pouted and faced away, then I remembered what happened yesterday.

Quit it Sayaka. You don't like him. I repeat, you DO NOT like him

"Sir? Ma'am?" The voice of the waiter and the smell of food immediately snapped me out of my trance as our dinner was served (yea. It's been 3 hours and they're still not home yet expect this fanfic to take a while. I'm already at chapter 21 and STARISH hasn't been introduced yet ;u; *cries in a corner*) My stomach started to rumble again but this time, I think no one heard it.

"I heard it." Ai murmured while handing me my chopsticks (they're actually eating western food. I don't know what came into my mind to give them chopsticks)

"Shut up..." I looked down and split the two wooden chopsticks "Itadakimasu..." I rested my right elbow (she's a leftie like me) on the table and played with the food a little. Even though my stomach was rumbling- a lot-, I didn't really seem to have an appetite right now. I picked up a strand from the pasta and playfully slurped it (I feel like I'm not using the right words anymore oh god). Ai stared at me in annoyance and rubbed the bridge of his nose "Sayaka eat properly. Look at yourself." I stared at him dumbfounded as he held my chin with his hand and wiped the side of my lip with his thumb then proceeded to lick it clean. I blushed but he didn't really seem to care "Hurry up and finish your food already. People will be coming tomorrow" I started eating properly this time "Hai..."


We finished eating at nine, well, because of me. If I hadn't shared my food with Ai, I wouldn't have even eaten half of my food yet. We both stood up from our seats without waiting for the bill since, according to Ai, president pays for these things for us, and, this is his restaurant.

I hopped in the car first and took out my iPod once again. looked at the first song I could get my eyes on and sighed

(Song in media)

One song wouldn't hurt.....

I played it and immediately fell asleep a few minutes later


(Nah just kidding. *weird laugh*)

Ai's POV

(BE THANKFUL I ACTUALLY ADDED HIS POV but no one can do anything about it since his POV's will be short *devilish laugh*)

We got back to the master course at exactly 10:47pm. I nudged Sayaka's elbow to try to wake her up, but, as my calculations stated, she's a really heavy sleeper and a slight nudge can't wake her up.

I made her rest herself on my back and gave her a piggy back ride back to our room. I opened the lights and saw that no one has entered the room while we were gone. I placed her on her bed and covered her with her blanket. I knelt down in front of her and leveled my eyes with hers. "deja vu....." I sat in front of my computer and turned it on "sleep well," I looked back at her one last time for this night and murmured "you useless junior" and began typing while thinking of other thoughts


Chappie dedicated to @NicoleHikari because she was the first person I was able to piss off at the previous update xD


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