Ch. 27: What's next?

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(Cover art is a collaboration between MimiNicolette and I!)

The entire stadium went dead silent once again as everybody waited for Titus's answer.

His mouth hung open as I watched him process what I had just asked him. Then, he smiled and hugged me.

"Of course...I thought you'd never ask," he said. The audience erupted with applause as they all started to jump around happily. I could feel Titus's tears plop onto my shoulder as I smiled and patted him on the back. Even though I was done crying, he sure wasn't.

"From now on, everything that I have will be yours. You deserve it, my dear," I whispered to him. "Not only because you are my husband, but because you have done so much for me that it feels like no matter what I give you, it'll never be enough." I was being completely honest with him. He had saved my life, listened to me, helped me find myself, given me a temporary home, and, best of all, he had given us a son. There was nothing I could do in this world that would be enough to repay him.

"You don't need to repay me, dearest," he sniffled. "Getting to be by your side for the rest of our lives is good enough for me."

We stood there for what felt like hours, absorbing the other's embrace like it was the only thing keeping us alive. But then, I heard a voice.

" I have a question." I turned towards Trollex. He looked a bit confused, but at the same time he looked a bit tense.

"So, if you two are now going to be the King and Queen of Trollstopia," he said slowly. "What does that make me? Am I still King of the Techno trolls?"

Titus and I looked at each other, then looked back at Trollex. "Of course you are, sweetie," I chuckled. "Just because your father and I are switching titles doesn't mean that you have to change yours. You'll continue to rule as King of the techno trolls until the next heir comes along to take your place."

Trollex let out a sigh of relief and let his shoulders relax.

"By the way," I started to ask. I think Trollex could sense what I was about to ask him, cause he quickly tensed up again. "Have you started looking for your future queen yet, or do you already have someone in mind?"

His eyes widened as tiny beads of sweat began to appear on his forehead. "NoPe!" He squeaked. I started to giggle at how uncomfortable I was making him, but I continued to poke at him.

"Are you sure?" I asked him.

"Well, it's kind of hard to choose a queen when every female techno troll that is single wants a piece of you," he said quietly. I snorted.

"Wait, what?" I asked him in disbelief.

"It's true," Titus giggled as he gave me a playful nudge. "He even has a fan club. It's hilarious! They all want him!" Trollex crossed his arms and scowled at Titus.

"It's not funny, dad!" he grumbled under his breath. "Some of those girls may be calm and collected, but there are others that are freakishly obsessed with fact..." He looked out towards the audience, then quickly turned his head back towards us in a panic. "I think some girls from a few of the other troll tribes may be joining them soon. They keep staring at me with that love-struck look in their eyes and it's freaking me out!"

Suddenly, I heard a bunch of chaotic screeching coming from my left. I quickly turned my head towards the source of the sound to find a large group of female techno trolls waving their arms around frantically. Trollex smiled awkwardly and gave them a small wave, which only caused them to scream even louder.

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