五: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕦𝕝𝕡𝕣𝕚𝕥 𝕚𝕤 𝕐𝕠𝕦

161 13 7

The loud ringing of your alarm jolted you out of your sleep. You glared at the digital red numbers across from you from underneath the covers, wanting to get some more sleep.

11:15 am.

You stared at the numbers blankly, before you shot out of bed at lightning speed, remembering what was happening today.

"Shit!" you cursed as you flung the covers off and quickly changed. Thank god you had prepared your outfit in advance. A (f/c) blazer and pencil skirt with a white shirt and a pearl necklace.

"The meeting's at twelve! I'm going to be late!"

You finished changing and stumbled toward the bathroom to brush your teeth, fumbling with the clasp of the necklace and cursing.

After you were done, you practically flew down the stairs to the kitchen. You finished an apple in record time for your breakfast and grabbed your purse on your way out the door as you slid your high heels on.

The train station wasn't too far from your house, so you speed-walked there as fast as you could in two-inch high heels.

When you got there, you realized you had just missed the train. Groaning, you checked the timetable and discovered you only had to wait two minutes for the next one to arrive.

You were quite tired, so you bought a coffee from a nearby vending machine and quickly chugged it in the two-minute wait for the next train.

Right on time, the train pulled into the station. The wind generated from the speed made your hair whip away from your face and made you squeeze your eyes shut.

You heard the hiss of the brakes and the train doors opening to let passengers out. Once the last of the passengers had gotten out, you bolted inside, wanting to secure a seat for yourself. No way were you going to stand in two-inch heels for who knows how long.

You found a seat and quickly settled into it. The doors shut, and the train jerked to life, slowly moving out from the station and toward the next destination.

You checked the train route posted above the doors. A green light indicated where you were now and a blinking yellow light indicated the next stop.

Ok, I'm the second to last stop. Good to know.

Since you still had some time before you arrived, you settled in and stared out the window at the passing landscape.

You hadn't exactly recovered from Saguru's death. Far from it, in fact. You felt as if you had the weight of the world on your shoulders and no one was around to help you with the burden. The world seemed bleached of all color and all the life, to your eyes, seemed to have been sucked away, leaving an empty husk in its wake.

You let out a deep sigh, your heart heavy and pained.

You needed a break.

Pulling out your phone, you dug put your earbuds and plugged them in, wanting to listen to some music to relax.

Saguru used to do this all the time when cases were overwhelming him, you thought as you shuffled your playlist and settled on something that suited your mood. It was mainly classical music.

The steady click-clack of the train passing over the rails made you sleepy and soon enough, you fell asleep.


You awoke with a start out of nowhere, out of breath. Your body had just done the fake-fall thing, jolting you awake with a burst of adrenaline.

𝔸𝕤𝕙𝕖𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝔸𝕤𝕙𝕖𝕤, 𝔻𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝔻𝕦𝕤𝕥 |ℍ𝕒𝕜𝕦𝕓𝕒 𝕊𝕒𝕘𝕦𝕣𝕦|Where stories live. Discover now