Chapter 5 - The Food In This Place

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 Heading out the door and leaving Grandfather, and Mr.Sniffles inside Momiji felt ready to go see what type of restaurant Sarah worked at. While Momiji prepared to enter Sarah's car she would feel the col air starting to move in as this strong rainstorm would be here within the next few days. She would begin to wonder just what type of damage would this storm bring in, we could only hope that it would be too dangerous and that it wouldn't bring harm to anyone. 
 Click! The car's doors would unlock with Sarah telling Momiji to get in so they could be headed on their way. As they drove out of the driveway she couldn't help but look at their peaceful residence as the trees blew swiftly along with the grass alongside the neighborhood it was an amazing sight. Heading off to work on the Momiji would watch Sarah as she drove thinking back to what she told her yesterday...
"Think of her as a Sister" she would repeat to her self, it was a weird feeling as she had never really had real sister sure back at the orphanage they would think of each other as brother and sister but what was this feeling. She just wasn't sure if she could call Sarah, sister as in a way it felt as if she were still the same the kids in the orphanage and just maybe this is the same and she's just in a new orphanage, the Watanabe.  Sarah would shortly turn and notice Momiji looking in a train of thought she couldn't help but ask if there was something wrong. 
"O no I'm fine just thinking is all" replied Momiji placing her hand in her legs as she sat and turned to look out the window. Sarah would smile briefly as Momiji's actions would seem like a nervous young girl but having fun. 
Heading into the deep part of the heart of the city streets would full of many people walking, it was almost incredible to see so many people in an area at one time. There was much life here in this place as there were tons of shops, stores, food shacks, restaurants, arcade centers, and more. Knowing the city was so much bigger and this was just a small portion of it, she could only imagine what else would she be able to see in time. Moments later they would begin to turn into the back of a parking lot as there would be cars lined up and parked out front of the restaurant. As they parked a woman would be just going on a break as she came out from the back door quickly spotting her
"Good thing your here girl, it has been a rush-hour" explains to the woman as Sarah and Momiji exited their vehicle. Sarah would laugh towards the woman before she would begin to introduce Momiji to her friend that she worked alongside for three years. 
"Greetings I'm Watanabe Momiji," she said as the woman looked at her with a smile and replying it was a pleasure to meet her. After a few more words are spoken the woman would head towards her car to go and get something to eat for her lunch break as Momiji and Sarah headed inside. As they headed inside their noses would fill with warm and tasty smells enough to make you start dreaming of how they tasted. As they closed the back door the cooks would spot Sarah quicking calling out her name as if they thought she wasn't going to come in today. She would wave towards them as she headed towards the front of the restaurant to find Momiji a spot at the counter to sit as while she worked.  Momiji would head come from the back seeing the manager at the register flipping his favorite pen, Sarah would walk over to explain what she wanted, and sure enough, he wouldn't mind dressed in his red and black attire. He could be easily be spotted with his curly mustache plus his heavy Santa clause laughter. Momiji didn't know Sarah could work here without laughing hearing that laugh all-day. 
"Go on ahead and get to work I'll keep an eye on her for you" explain Mr.Fanaka, Momiji would take a seat on one of the leather seats by the counter as she would begin to notice the rush-hour had begun to settle down. Sarah would be carrying out dishes from the back to the customers as she carried her note pad along her side to keep up with her placed orders, Momiji could tell she knew what she was doing as she always brought smiles to her customers. Things in the restaurant would seem to be going well as they knew exactly what they were doing until the next wave of the rush hour would begin to pick up again... 
 There were so many people coming in and going through the drive-through, Momiji would begin to think they were overrun by customers but the Manager would look so calm.
"Aren't you worried about all the customers?" asked the Momiji towards the manager as he tapped his pen on the counter causing the gentlemen sitting at the counter to turn their heads towards him as he continued to tap. 
He wouldn't seem to be bothered as he knew exactly what to do around this time as he laid out the menus to the one among the counter area as the waitress would follow after pulling out their note pads in sequential order. 
"Allow me to explain it young one as this is just a simple task as one, two, three," said Mr.Fanaka, as they all began to pull out their pens.
"One, Its as easy it sounds welcome your fellow neighbor to your establishment" he explained as he sat out soda glasses for the five gentlemen as they got comfortable to take a look at the menu.
"Two," says Sarah as she walks over to get their orders pulling out her note pad on her hip along with the other waitress in perfect sync. Momiji would be amazed as to how quickly they got everything down as Mr.Fanaka would take the notes and call them out the cooks.  Ovens and stoves would roar with mighty flames and as they cooked the food in the kitchen filling the restaurant with delicious smells of seasonings and ingredients. 
"Three!!" the would shout as all the waitress would head to the back to get the plates of food got the customers one by one. Momiji couldn't help but look at the many types of foods that were coming out from, as they all looked so delicious. 
"You see child, its as easy as One, Two, Three" repeats Mr.Fanaka as he winks towards Momiji as he places a toothpick into his mouth before turning to watch his restaurant.  Later on, as the evening would begin to roll around Sarah would take her break to get her self and Momiji something to eat. They would take a seat in the booth by the window, as they ate their meal Sarah couldn't help but notice how happy Momiji looked as she ate her food.
"So did you enjoy your day out,?" asked Sarah as she ate her spicey Unagi - Grilled Eel causing Momiji to smile as she held her chopsticks in her hand as she tries to eat her pasta with a side of Yakitori - Grilled Chicken Skewers.  Momiji could only whats next for the two of them but it couldn't be too much as they spent most of the day at the restaurant, however, they would order grandfather Watanabe something to eat before they would take leave for today. 

As they drove home Momiji would watch the skies once again as it would seem as the day was coming to a close once again. As they drove Momiji would spot the Orphanage she used to be at causing her to wonder why were they heading in that direction. 
"Just a quick little stop," says Sarah as she would ask Momiji to hand her, her purse from behind the seat. They would drive past the Orphanage heading to another apartment complex, where Grandpa Watanabe and Sarah were previously staying at. 
"What's here?" asked the curious Momiji as they came to a stop along with the parking spots along the side of the road. Sarah would explain that she needed to finish paying the remainder of the amount they owed as they wouldn't be returning back here. Momiji would carefully place the food on the floor and would proceed to exit the car to follow after Sarah as she would begin to enter their old apartment complex.                   

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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