Kai then gazed around the lunchroom to see Bianca staring at him in shock, her artichoke-green eyes resonating within his mind. She had never witnessed him get serious like this before, and to be honest, she kind of liked it.

Plus, the young man had to remember the words of his father.

When he was younger, he'd always want to solve problems by using violence, because he knew that he was a much better fighter than the other boys. But his old man had always taught him never to use his skills unless he absolutely had to, and those words had been engraved within his mind ever since.

So instead of ending this disagreement with Troy's unconscious body on the ground as he'd originally planned, he decided that he would just intimidate the hell out of him by acting like some kind of psychopath.

It was one of the many skills his father had taught him to avoid physical altercations.

"Yes, really." Kai insisted, his eyes twitching as his face was overtaken by an overconfident smirk. Troy, now thinking that Kai was some kind of psycho, began to slowly back off.

"Whatever." Troy retorted as he exited the lunch room, still quite obviously intimidated.

Well that was quick.

Dylo sat down, wearing an expression of dissatisfaction on his face. Kai confidently walked back over to where Dylo sat, caught off guard by his expression of disappointment.

"What?" Kai asked, slightly lifting his hands up in a confused motion as his eyes locked with the blond's.

"What happened?" Dylo asked, annoyed by the fact that he wasn't able to witness his best friend cave Troy's skull in. "I was expecting a show, you know."

"Oh, well my bad." Kai answered, chuckling, now realizing what Dylo was dissatisfied about.

"Why didn't you beat his ass?"

"Look, I'm just not in the mood for fighting, dude." Kai sternly declared. "Now come on, man, let's get to the bus. I'm not trying to be late."

The thought of a 3-hour bus ride coupled with numerous foul-smelling teachers nearly put Dylo in a coma, but he'd do it if Kai was going, so he wouldn't be alone.

Leo, however, couldn't have been more thrilled to have the opportunity to go. He had been reading up on science magazines and books, desperately trying to keep up to date with every new scientific innovation.

As the rickety bus began to pull out of the wretched school parking lot, Troy complained that he could have driven up to the museum in his own car, but the teachers explained to him that the security at Genesis Museum wouldn't let him in if he didn't arrive with the bus.

Cursing under his breath, he flopped down on the seat, preparing for a 3-hour ride of hell.


Finally, the bus pulled into the Genesis Museum parking lot, with most teachers hearing a barrage of snores as they woke up the kids by shaking them.

Adam Treble looked nervous as he struggled to see through the stained window and spotted the huge museum. He'd forgotten where they were even going in the first place, for his mind had always been in the clouds.

He was a nosy but secretive teenager who had a knack for getting distracted while important things were happening, like he wasn't even in control of his own brain. He was also very invasive of other people's privacy, wanting to know every little detail.

He had just moved there from Mexico, where he grew up, and was new to Grayfield High, unlike Kai and the others. His father, Derek Treble, had actually worked with Kai's father, before they ended the partnership over some type of disagreement over what the technology would be used for.

Genesis | Book One, The Genesis SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now