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                 * The next day * * Aoi's POV*

I never thought it would happen but the next day the police arrived and arrest Ayano. We were all so shocked that nobody said anything. It came out of nowhere!

Kuroko: Well I can't believe I'm saying this but....ayano is arrested.

Kuroko: I don't know how you did that Shiromi and..I'm little scared to ask but you did it.

Shiromi: Why do you look so down? You guys wanted this didn't you?

Aoi: I just cannot believe how fast it happened. I mean we were all freaking out just yesterday and then out of nowhere the police come to next day !

Akane: Shiromi, if you don't mind us asking, how did you do it?

Shiromi: Oh. I bribed the headmaster.

Everyone except Shiromi: YOU DID WHAT?!

Shiromi: Basically, I went to the Headmaster and told him about Ayano and he said he can't do anything unless he has proof. So I hacked into Ayano's phone and recorded everything she said. Then I showed the Headmaster and he called the police not to mention her fingerprints were all over a knife.

Aoi: If you could do that why didn't you do that as soon as we knew she was a serial killer?!

Shiromi: Slipped my mind~

Kuroko: How did you get her to say that she was going to kill someone. I mean there is no way she would just randomly start talking about killing Oka..... right?

Akane: You never know. I mean she is a sociopath...

Shiromi: I just made Info-chan talk to her.

Everyone except Shiromi: YOU KNOW HER?!

Shiromi: My earsss!!~

Aoi: I can't thank this! We were word for nothing!!

Akane: Does this mean we doki have patrol around the school anymore?

Kuroko: We should continue doing it. We don't know if someone else is just as dangerous here.

Aoi: Ughhh!

Kuroko: Aoi! We have to be cautious. She could have people helping her.

Shiromi: I doubt it. If her plans were to be with Senpia, she wouldn't let someone else kill her rivals because what would be the point?  Her senpai is never going to like her back after this.

Aoi: Our biggest enemie now is school.

Akane: ......

Shiromi: Akane?

Akane: S-sorry! I was just thinking about something....

Kuroko: About what?

Akane: Don't you think that Ayano's mom will come for us?

Kuroko: I'd hope not.

Shiromi: I think she'll be after me~

Aoi: Don't say that with a smile!!!


Kuroko: Come in.

Osana: Hey... I just wanted to say thank you.

Shiromi: Oh.

Osana: Nobody would believe me when I said that she was a killer. Everybody would say that I'm just jealous because she is popular and I'm not. So it means alot so, thanks. I'll leave you be.

Akiri: Meow!

Shiromi: Akiri, bad girl! Sit!

Osana: A cat?

Shiromi: You saw her before, don't you remember?

Osana: * Shakes ger head* She's so cute~

Akiri: Meow!

Aoi: ( Did she really forget?)

Akane: Osana, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?

Osana:, not at all.

Osana: I..- are you saying that I might need therapy? I'm crazy, is that what you're saying?!

Akane: No that isn't what we're saying!

Shiromi: People who need therapy are NOT crazy! Take it backkk~

Aoi: Shiromi shut up.

Akane: What we mean is that what Ayano did may have messed you up in some way- and that is perfectly fine! Losing a person you love and seeing a dead body would mess anybody up.

Shiromi: It wouldn't mess me up...

Kuroko: Shut up Shiromi.

Shiromi: ( I get Ayano arrested and you treat me like this?)

Osana: Whatever. * Gets up*

Akane: Osana?


Osana: I HATE YOU ALL! * Runs away*

Akane: I-i didn't mean to-

Kuroko: It's okay, we know you didn't.

Akiri: Meow!

Kuroko: Shiromi, get your cat!

Shiromi: Hey, there is no reason to be mean to her!!!

Akane: Kuroko dear, maybe we sho-

Kuroko: You were done so well but when we are trying to have serious conversation you have to goof off!

Shiromi: I was just trying to lighten the mood.

Aoi: Shiromi, sometimes you need to learn to shut up.

Kuroko: If you hadn't said anything  maybe it would have worked!

Shiromi: Is this how you treat your hero?~

Aoi: This is our point Shiromi. You got to learn to stop.

Shiromi: I'd say you guys need to learn how to take a joke!

Akiri: MEOW!!!

Kuroko: OMG cat, can someone please shut it up?!

Akiri: MEOW!!!!!

Shiromi: AKIRI!!!!!!

As soon as Kuroko shouted the cat jumped out of Shiromi's lap and went straight for the door that was left open thanks to Osana.

  To be continued...

A silent night ( aoi x shiromi fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora