A murder

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              * After school*  * At Aoi's house*

All the students from our School were called for an interrogation. Kizana was found dead in the gym . Nobody knows what happened but the police are saying it was a murder. They into our parents to take us home and my mom and dad  just so happened to be coming back. Knowing them, they'll  probably just leave the next day.

Mom: * On the phone* I can't believe a murder happened at her School.- I know right?!-Totally crazy! I have to go, take to you soon. * Hangs up*

Mom: Aoi, how have you been?

Aoi: ( Now you ask) Good.

Mom: 'Good' because I got a call from your teacher saying that you fell asleep in class.

Aoi:... I did.

Mom: I better not hear about this again.

Aoi: I-i'm sorry.

Mom: If you're going to act like a problem child I'll have no choice but to punish you.

Aoi: Right, please forgive me.

Aoi: If you don't mind me asking, how long are you staying?

Mom: What do you mean how long am I staying?! This is my house not a hotel!

Aoi: Well you always leave so I got used to it. Also if it's your house you should pay the bills, clean the house, maybe even spend time here? I know I'm asking alot thought Rose.

Mom: Excuse me?! How dare you speak to me that way?! I didn't come for your bad attitude!

Aoi: I would prefer if you didn't come at all.

Mom: That's it! Go to your room and don't come back until you learn some manners!!

Aoi: * Goes to her room*

I picked up my notebook and started drawing. I felt trapped inside my own house. I had always tried to be my best when I'm with my mom. I guess I was so sick of everything going wrong in my life that I took it out on my mom.

Dad: Sweetie, it's me.

Aoi: .... Come in.

Dad: * Opens the door* I have to say that I'm impressed. This house is so clean, I though it was gonna be a dump.

Aoi: Things change when your the one  living in it.

Dad: I'm sorry for the lost of that student, Kizana was it? May she rest in peace. Was she your friend?

Aoi: Um no. I never even talked to her.

Dad: I'm just so glad that your safe.

Aoi: Dad, I can take care of myself. I didn't take karate classes for show.

Dad: True, anyway I'll leave you alone.

Aoi: Dad?

Dad: Yeah?

Aoi: Thanks....for always a good there for me.

Dad: No problem. * Leaves*

Aoi:.... I bet they'll both leave in a month.

Aoi: The killer has to be Ayano, it could not have been anyone else!

Aoi: Hey mom? When you killed people, what was the one thing that you would always do to make sure you got away with it? Please tell me so  in my dreams!

* Meanwhile, down stairs*

Mom: Aoi is acting like a brat again.

Dad: Well she is a child, let her be.

Mom: I will not have my own daughter speak to me this way!

Dad: She's always like this and she just  found out that a person died....

Mom: Whatever. I have to leave anyway.

Dad: Already? we just got here yesterday.

Mom: You can stay with Aoi if you want but my job can't wait!

Dad: When will you be back?

Mom: Probably in a month but you never know.

Dad: I guess we'll see you later.

Mom: Tell Aoi that I brought her a prensent.

Dad: Of course dear.

        * An hour later*

Aoi: Dad? Where's Mom?

Dad: She left, she'll be back in a month or so.

Aoi:.... Called it. You're staying?

Dad: You make it sound like you don't want around.

Aoi: Teach me a new fighting style!

Dad: Huh? But your so strong already.

Aoi: This is really important!

Dad: Alright.

            To be continued

A silent night ( aoi x shiromi fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora