soulmate Au part 2

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"Good morning inkwell isle 2!" Dice yelled sliding into his kitchen doing his best impression of ' I'm a cheesy news reporter who's been up since 4 am but still for some reason  happy about life and I totally know your depressed and lonely over there ' . The sixteen year old had been doing this ever since his mom had to go on this supposed business trip, just to feel a little less lonely. He walked over to the kitchen cupboards and rummaged around for a little while hoping to find anything that seemed edible. After about 5 minutes of this he finally decided to go with some fruity looking cereal that smelled like it could give you diabetes if you dare eat more then was recommended on the box. Dice then walked over to another cupboard finding an adequate bowl to dump the colorful concoction into. Just as he was about to dump in the milk from the fridge the house phone rang. He rushed into the living room almost falling on the wood floor with his socks as he tried not to waist the person on the other ends time. When he finally answered the phone (with surprisingly no concussion) he quickly threw having a 'normal' day out the window. "Heya dice how ya been~~!!!" The sweet and condescending voice of his sister diamond came through the speaker slapping him in the face like a ton of bricks, "What the hell do ya want now !?" Dice really wasn't in the mood to deal with his older sibling today , he heard a quick annoying giggle before his sister spoke up again. "Aawww~~ don't be like that Didi " this only fueled Dice's anger more. "Don't you aaawww Didi me! The last time you called me up I had ta help you with a 'job' and almost got arrested for you!!" Diamond only giggled again loving how her younger brother yelled at her outrageously " How are you even calling me shouldn't you be in, oh I dunno jail!?" That question caught diamond off guard for a second but she quickly recovered " oh dice is it so hard to believe that they let me off for good behavior?" Dice deadpanned then slowly answered "yes,yes it is" diamond huffed as her plan to butter up her brother swiftly failed. "Fine, fine I escaped ta ask you for help in my next job -" before diamond could say anything else she heard her brother get ready to hang up and desperately asked him to just hear her out which dice thought over for a few minutes before begrudgingly listening on. "Dice , I'll be real with you for a second you know Mom could use the money" dice did know his mother was in fact working very hard to support her and himself which he couldn't deny made him feel really guilty "Alright , what's the name of the joint."

The devil's casino, what a joke the name was probably going to be the most interesting thing about this hoity-toity casino. But he had heard from many of the islands inhabitants that the place was really raking in the riches so really whatever will fill his pockets and make his sister leave him alone would do. "Come on let's go scope the place out, could never know what we're dealing with." Diamond said looking the place over. They walked into the casino wearing strapping suits like they where the children of some rich snob who never had time for them. Diamond went over to the bosses area just like they had discussed this afternoon , Dice wasn't sure why but this place felt oddly familiar but he quickly brushed it off as he started looking for possible escape routes so when he found one he would join his sister and high tail out of here. They knew that the cops wouldn't come after them considering the fact that this place dealed with souls which is very much illegal.
Dice suddenly caught a glimpse of a man hole right at the under side of the nice looking carpet invisible if you where not paying attention. Bingo. He quickly walked into the office where his sister would be waiting for him (or at least he hoped so) and saw her fiddling with the keypad on the safe . "So find a way out Didi~" diamond said slyly only for dice to roll his eyes at her "Yeah,yeah let's just do the thing and get out of here" dice was already wishing he had done something else today. When the code was finally cracked by one of diamonds off brand do hickey's. Dice and diamond swiftly pocketed all the money when diamond suddenly just grabbed all the money he collected and use her pink dice move to teleport. Damnit diamond he knew something like this would happen she just needed him to cover for her while she spent all the money having the time of her life he didn't have much time to dwell on it though because he suddenly felt the presents of somebody else in the room 'oh fuck' "What the hell do you think you're doing !!" A gruff voice from behind him growl . He was turned to where his back was showing to the other person so when he told him to turn around he was understandingly freaking out but he excepted his fate and slowly turned around the man kept talking to himself saying things like ' I really need to get better security 'and ' why do I of all people have to deal with this ' but when the strange man met his eyes his frustrated face melted away reavealing a more intimate gaze that he himself returned thought he couldn't understand why until the man spoke up with a gentler voice like he was a child(which he technically still is) "Dice?..."


Thanks so much for reading hope you all have a lovely bubble day 😊

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