Chapter 2

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Phoenix POV~

When I finally woke up I looked around and looked at the time

Phoenix- 8:39, ok good I have twenty-one minutes before I have to go

I got up and went to my wardrobe, I decided to put on my shirt, sweatpants with a hoodie and with my attack on Titan shoes with my glasses, of course my hat I can't go nowhere without it

I got up and went to my wardrobe, I decided to put on my shirt, sweatpants with a hoodie and with my attack on Titan shoes with my glasses, of course my hat I can't go nowhere without it

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Okay I have a serious obsession to anime thanks to the author

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Okay I have a serious obsession to anime thanks to the author...


continuing on, I got up and went down stairs to make some f/b (fav breakfast) I absolutely love it. I soon realised that I have a few more minutes before I have to go so I left a note for my ma and mother saying that I have gone out to the Kda band concert.

- timeskip by Phoe being a monkey for a hour -

I finally arrived at the concert and looked around to see a bodyguard that looks very familiar like my sister, I walked up to her

Bodyguard- Hello, I assume you're the winner of the vip tickets, am I correct?

Phoenix- you are correct right there buddy, anyway I have a quick question

Bodyguard- go on ma'am

Phoenix- what is your name and please don't call me ma'am you could just call me Phoe

Bodyguard- My name is Jill beebas and I can call you phoe if it's your orders

Very familiar but I can't put my finger on it. I'll have to ask ma and mother

Phoenix- ok, I'm ready to go

Jill walked me to my seat and she gave me a map of the whole building so I don't get lost anywhere

- another timeskip brought to you by mwah -

Suddenly the lights went out and three women figures walked out onto the stage, i though there was four. I felt a rush of wind pass by me, I looked up only to see a woman with a cap saying "KDA" she must be the ninja of the group I think. Next thing I know is a can drops down to be precise it's a sprite, I catch it without even looking and they looked shocked at me. So what? I can catch without looking at it or the person throwing it.

I opened the can and took a sip of it before I chugged it all down, and left it in the can holder on the chair (do you call it that?) I soon realised that I needed some food because I haven't ate until I got here, I decided to wait until their song was over and then get some fucking food cause I'm dying of starvation over here.

- few mins later -

They finally finished their song and I went up to get some food, after a few minutes of searching I found a food shop inside and got some McCoys crisp, I love McCoys they are the best crisp ever in England my opinion, I soon came back to my seat and put some music on with my earphones in for a while, while they get ready for their next song, eh I don't really care, soon my eyes felt heavy and I tried not to fall asleep but it was a fail

- timeskip brought to you by me choking on a hot dog -

I woke up as soon as all the crowd was literally screaming

??- hello my beauties

They all started to chant the name ahri

???- hello everyone!

Again they chanted a different name which was kai'sa

????- whats up peeps?

They chanted Akali and I take the last one has to be a loud chant cause I bet she is special

?????- hello my little roses

Yep I was correct, they all started to shout yes shout Evelynn, names are so familiar as well. Does it matter, all I need to do is enjoy the show for now

Ahri- okay people, we have a special guest in the room tonight so keep and eye out

Thank god I would've been centre of attention and I hate attention, I pulled up my hood so I could still see but everyone can't see me

- again I need to fuck off, timeskip -

They finished their whole show and I really needed a piss, I went out to look for the toilet and found it after a while

Evelynn pov-

I walked out of the show and I went to look for something but instead I heard rapping, I think better then akalis rapping

After she finished, I was surprised by the way she did that

*Bing, Bing*

My phone went off and it was a text from kai'sa saying " where the fuck are you evelynn, we need you here NOW!"

I responded with "Okay" I need to tell them about this girl, I bet akali is gonna be jealous, I chuckled to myself wondering how her reaction is gonna be.

[ that was 982 words jeez I cannot do that again, my porn I mean poor fingers

- By ya lesbian Mwah

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