My little bean..~ (valleyxfdeath)

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(So hey before I start I wanna tell ya that this is my myth account, I have two.)
My name's (Y/N), I'm a myth hunter. I usually work beside Albert, but he's busy right now.
      I was walking around when I saw a castle. A strange one, it's out in the middle of nowhere, and it's almost pitch black except for some torches scattered around. The drawbridge was open, and the portcullis was up. "I wonder if anyone lives here." So I walked in. "Hello?" I managed to mutter out, but only in a whisper-shout manner. I blinked for a millisecond and all of a sudden I was running away from a spirit that randomly came out of the shadows. Oh shit, I thought to myself. I run up the steps into the main castle part. The spirit, who's name is supposedly Trundlestap couldn't climb stairs. I find myself lost, there's so many hidden passages, random staircases and other things. I make my way up to where the towers are. "Is someone there?" I asked. "Why hello there! Welcome to my castle~!" A figure says while walking out of the shadows. He's dressed in a suit and fedora. He tips it to me. "Are you a new myth, or..?" I ask. "Fairly new, I'm Valleyxfdeath, but you can call me Valley." "Nice to meet you, I'm (Y/N)." "Nice to meet you, (Y/N)." There was an awkward silence. "ALRIGHT,, I'LL JUST LEAVE NOW--." Then so, I did.

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