~No More Secrets~

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Alarmed I checked the notification on my phone to find a text message sent from an unknown number with a video file attached to it. "Who you texting" I jumped due to me being startled. "Jesus you scared me, nothing quite being noisy." I was scared to open the message but did it anyway. My eyes were in shock when I saw what was attached to the message. "Wait stop the car right now!" Everyone shifted forward from the sudden stop. "What?! What's wrong?!" Felix asked me. "An unknown person sent me a message and a video attached to it. I didn't want to watch it with a lot of movement." I explained. "Well then hurry up and watch it we don't have all day." Seungmin said. I clicked on the video and was greeted with a terrifying sight. I saw a girl tied up to a chair with bruises and dried blood all over her body followed by tears streaming down her face. It was Y/N! "Guys look it's y/n!" I said yelling. Everyone rushed to look at my screen. Our ears were ringing with the sound of her crying and a man yelling at her. "Tell him what I told you to say if you don't want me to get the bar out again!" The oddly similar voice said. "No no anything but that please!" She cried. My hands clenched together making a tight fist. She spoke in between tears. "Chan please don't come looking for me, it's a death trap!" She said and got slapped in the face. "That wasn't your line bitch!" A man with a mask showed up on the screen. "If you still want this little princess to breathe, you must come alone. The location is Moonlight Café. Be there at 8pm sharp. The real game is about to begin." He started laughing psychotically then the camera cut off. Everyone was in shock. "What do we do now?" Jeongin asked me. "We rescue the princess." I said.

My stomach hasn't had anything in it for the last 15 hours and I'm slowly dying. I was moved from my cell back to the stupid chair I arrived in. There was another girl that was with me. She started crying saying that she wants to leave. The so called Minho guy consoled her like he did to me and told her it's going to be over soon. She just sits in the corner of her cell thinking and silently crying. We are no longer in the same room due to me being moved back to my stupid chair. I felt extremely nauseous. I better barf so then they would have to clean it up. "Are you feeling okay?" Minho asked me. "No, I want to throw up." I told him. "Oh my god uhm, there are no bathrooms here but you can use a trash bag." He said grabbing one. "I can't.....my hands are tied together." I told him. "Ahh your right, here just uhm.....let me go ask my boss." He left and I had that feeling that I was gonna barf but stronger. I was so close. I moved to where he left the bag that was open and let it all out there. When he walked in he immediately closed the door as he saw what I was doing.

After 2 minutes, he came back in to pick up the bag. "How is it possible that you vomited if you have absolutely no food in your stomach?" I looked at him. "How am I supposed to know?" He shrugged his shoulders and left me once again alone.

Time passed and the clock in the room read 7:45pm. I was worried because I knew that Chan was going to come even though I told him not too. People started walking into the room. Minho walked in then 3 men dressed in black. The person that had the mask and kept hitting me walked in. "I think it's time you know the truth since your little boyfriend is going to die today anyways. There's no point in keeping the secret. Jungkook come in." He said signaling for him to walk in. My eyes widened. "I'm sorry did you just say Jungkook?!" I asked him. "Yes I most certainly did." He said satisfied and there he was, standing right in front of me. Tears started forming in my eyes. "What are YOU doing here?!" I asked a tear streaming down. "I work here sweetie." He said grabbing my chin. "Why would you work with monsters when your an angel." I asked. The leader giggled. "Clearly you don't know him well. Do you not know what he did?" He asked me. I looked at Jungkook and he had his head down. "Hyung you wouldn't dare to tell her would you?" He laughed. "Of course I would. We will keep no secrets from my future wife anymore." He said caressing my check. "What did you do?" I asked. "Your father wasn't it?" He began. My eyes widened and I was short of breath. "My father?! What about him?!" I asked. "Although not all is what it seems, you must be aware it. Your father never had any disease, he was killed." I gasped. "By non other then our youngest Jungkook." He said clapping is hands as my vision got dizzy. "What?!" I yelled. "But I saw the doctors say that he......why did you do it Jungkook." He didn't answer. "It's called business princess." The leader spoke for him. "Obviously I ordered him to do it." He said playing with his fingers. "Why would you do such a thing?! What do you have against my family?!" I yelled. He slapped my check. "Watch your tone. And it wasn't necessarily your family I have against but let's just say you are the closest to my worst enemy so I took my chance." I started crying. "I'm sorry y/n, I didn't know you, if I would've, I wouldn't have killed your father." Jungkook said with his head low. The leader laughed. "Oh come on Jungkook don't apologize, the old man was useless anyway." And with that said everything went black.
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