~School Mornings~

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I woke up to the sound of something tapping my window. I stood up too see what it was. I open the window and there is no one there. I gulped really loud. I swear I heard something tap my window.

I checked the time on my phone. 3:06am. Who would be out at this hour tapping my window? I fell back on my bed. Thinking of whether or not to get a midnight snack or not.

I heard the tapping again. "Okay but for real I'm wide awake now there is no way I'm hallucinating." I whispered to myself. I opened the window to see the doe himself. Jungkook.

"What are you doing up this late?" I asked him. "I can't sleep, I had a bad dream and I can't sleep anymore." He said.

I climbed over to his side and sat on his bed. "What did you dream about?" I asked. "Are you sure you want to know, I barely know you." He said. "I might not know you well enough yet but let's get to know each other huh?" I asked. "At this time?" He said laughing. "It might be the wrong time but come one I can tell you have dried tears on your face so tell me what's wrong." I told him.

He sighed, giving in and opening up. "I had another dream about losing my mother again." He said, his head hanging down. "Most of the time, I let it slip by because it's just a dream nothing serious but I've had it so many times and you don't know this but my mother is very ill and she refuses to take good care of herself." He said. I patted his back and gave him a hug. "Don't worry, I'm sure everything will be alright. Maybe your head just wants you to worry about things too much and overthink them." I told him.

He thought for a moment. "Okay yeah maybe your right. I'm sorry to bother you this late and I don't even know you. I feel guilty for two things." He said his head low. He's so cute ^^. "Don't feel guilty it's okay, I'm happy to help you."

We said our goodbyes and I fell back into my bed. What did he mean when he said he felt guilty for two things? He just woke me up, that would be one thing he would feel guilty for but what's the second one? Damnit I should've asked him. Or maybe that would've been nosey of me. Ah whatever I need to go to sleep. Tomorrow is the day I will go to my new school and I'm honestly really excited. I was thinking about all the things I would do throughout the day and once again fell asleep.
I woke up to the sound of my alarm. Today was the day. Okay I'm not gonna mess this up. I kept repeating in my head.

"Good morning Y/N." My mother said as I walked into the kitchen. "And good morning to you too Felix." "Morning." We said in unison. "Don't forget to eat breakfast, the bus stop is straight ahead, take a left and it should be there. The sign is blue. I gotta run. See you two tonight."

Felix and I were still trying to process all she said because she had said it really fast. "Well come on Y/N hurry up and eat because the food is gonna get cold and we're gonna miss the bus." Felix said as he shoved a whole waffle in his mouth. I was in awe. I took a granola bar and some strawberry milk.

"Okay I'm ready to go now." I exclaimed. "Someone's excited." Said Felix. "Well of course I am. I'm gonna get to meet new people!" "It's not that exciting but okay." He said laughing. I pouted at him. He gave me a light punch.

We got on the bus and arrived at the school. It was huge. So many students wearing the same clothing. It was almost impossible telling people apart. Except when you look up close. "Alright Y/N I'll see you at 3:45 here so we can take the bus home okay?" Felix asked. "Got it, I'll see you later." I said giving him a check touch with my check.

I walked down the hallways. People were minding there own businesses. I didn't know which classes to go too. There were so many classrooms and I didn't know where to go. I went to my locker and there was another guy. Looks like we were locker buddies.

"Hi my name is Y/N and I'm new here. This is my locker. I guess we will be locker buddies." I said. The boy looked up at me and smiled. Aww he had braces.

"Hello I'm Jeongin. And yeah it looks like we are sharing lockers." He said clapping his hands. "So you are the new student right, you said?" He asked me. "Yes and I would really appreciate it if you helped me find......" I looked down at my schedule. "Mr. Parks biology class." I told him. "Oh hey I have that class too, I'll walk you too it." He said.

We walked to the classroom. It was very nice. The chairs were very well organized. The teacher wasn't here yet. "Pick the back seat so then the teacher doesn't call on ya." Jeongin said to me winking.

I did as he said and saw Jungkook. I waved at him and he gave me a nod and sat in the front. I told him to come sit with me but he didn't want to. That's weird.

Just as I took my notebook out a tall handsome figure walked into the classroom. We made eye contact and I couldn't believe who was in the same classroom as me again.

Bang Chan.
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